April 10, 1942. Mrs. Russell Herpich, Principal, Delevan Rural High School, Delevan, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Herpich: I have received your kind letter of the 8th instant inviting me to speak at your high school commencement on the evening of May 14th. I om very sorry that I have another engagement for that date. Several weeks ago I promised the Linwood, Kansas, high school that I would speak at their commencement on May | l4th. There is a possibility that I would be free on eiter May 13 or 15, if you would care to consider either of these dates. The principal of another Kansas high school has asked me to speak on May 14, but since IT had already agreed to go to Linwood, I told him that I would be available on May 13 or 15. I have not heard from him as yet regarding this possibility. It is never our purpose to set an arbitrary price for a commencement address. However, there is one thing 2 of vital necessity, end that is automobile tires. Sinee the rationing progrem travel is getting to be quite an iten. I would be glad to hear from you regarding the suggested dates, and I would be perfectly willing to let you set the fee. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: All “ Varsity Basketball and Baseball coach.