March Sl, 1942. Mr. Gail Enig ht, Athletic Director, Nonett School District, Monett, Missouri. Dear Gail: It is mighty nice of you to ask me to be your guest speaker at the Monett High School for your athletic banquet on April 9. I deeply appreciate your offer to have me mest your all-state center who scored over 1200 points in his four years of high school competition. The state does not provide funds for ow travel ex- penses and since the tire situation is as it is at present I do not very well sce how I can make the trip. I am also coaching varsity baseball and we are to meet Kansas State at Menhattan on April 10 and ll. It is generous of you to ask me, and I deeply apprec- iate it. However, uier the conditions I do not see how I can make arrangements to speak at this time. Thanking you for your very kind invitation, and with best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education end Recreation, PCA:AH ; ' ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.