ale following fast developing facts set up for the period of our National De- fense Emergencye Living costs will be at least 25% higher sometime in 1942, and at least 50% higher in 1943. The Federal income tax payments of the people drawing salaries from $2,000.00 to $7,000.00 will be more than treblede Taxes are rising faster than corporation earnings, which means that the proportion available for dividends to stockholders is shrinke inge Profits during war will narrow further. Congress will be asked to vote the draft age reduction to eighteen years of age when the time is ripe. The signal has already been sounded by General Hershey. It is an open secret in Washington military circles that there are plans for an American Ex-= peditionary Force when American bombers and fighter planes can be manufactured in sufficient quantities to control the air and to protect the convoys from Mazi submarines. Therefore, may I repeat that taxes and living costs will be so excessively high that big time athletes who are not then in the service will not be carried on the state's payroll the year round, during the time while they are attending college as well as on the state's highway department during the summer vacatione State legislators will not be giving free legislative scholarships to big time athletes granting them free tuition at the state universities. In some of our state universities at the present time this practice is followed, but it does not exist in Kansas. But the State of Kansas is also a happy hunting ground for the athletic head-hunters from the Big Ten, the Southwest and Pacific Coast conferences. Coaches and athletic officials, or their emissaries, of some schools of each of these conferences annually pay profitable visits to Kansas and make away with - much of our choice high school athletic material.