mde This part of your letter makes me laugh. "The coaching profession is heartily in accord with the University Administrators controlling the athletic situation to such an extent that the department is in harmony with the aims and ideals of the institution of which it is a part.” What ideals do you speak of when there are certain assistant athletic directors in large institutions who are paid for nothing else than to handle the athletes, definitely paying large sums of money to keep th them in school so that they may be eligible for athletic teams? I say that this is no part of an ideal. I have coached 34 years and in my association with athletics and with the coaches of these sports I find-a growing tendency to spend more but to cover up more skilfully. I have always tried to put more into physical education and athletics than I have gotten out of it, and I will continue to do so, but my standard in dealing with these boys will be, so far as possible, the standard that I use in dealing with my own sons. Certainly I would not want my son to sell his academic birthright for a mess of athletic pottage such as is being peddled around by "big time" promoting athletic coaches. You will understand, Brownie, that there are a lot of descent coaches and a lot of coaches that are not doing the things that I mention, but there are a lot of “big time” coaches who are doing this and they are doing it to the detriment of both football and basketball. Doubtless you realize that before I said this thing I knew exactly what a great number of individuals would say to me and about me. I said it last fall and I said it again, so don't you realize that from my first experience I could maturely judge what might come again? It was not an emotional outburst, but it was a thing planned and studied, debunking a lot of the junk that goes on in "big time" athletics. You state that “coaches will put their shoulders to the wheel and push in trying to eliminate the evils. « You know bloomin well that if the coaches wanted to meet this situation they could eliminate and cure it over one season of play. But, you say, they are doing it. How can I stop it? And in fact there are some coaches that I know of who couldn't turn out a championshpp team unless they got better material than the other coaches. Therefore, instead of working, they attempt to buy the team. To show you that I was not spoofing you about football but that I also meant basketball in this charge, I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I received on October 2nd from a coach of national reputation who has had nationally known teams. I am also sending you a carbon copy of a letter that Iwrote this coach. A boy who is 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 188 pounds, and who comes highly recommended by an expert coach, might do some team good under the basket, you cannot fail to admit. And doubtless you will say that these coaches are character builders instead of athletic beagle hounds. This coach said, "T picked him up". That is why I call him a beagle hound rather than a bird doge Be Nee Calis es inet on a a ices aimee a