oe II. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Room po CouRSsE PREREQUISITE COURSES Cr. Time Days AND CrepiT In | InstrRucTOR 3 Bupa. 1. Courses Open to Both Men and Women —~ 36 oe History and Principles of Physical Education. ....|......... eee eee eee eee eee 3 8:30 MWF 202 R EC Syek ni 40 Personal Hygiene and Community Health........|.. 2... ee eee eee cece eee eee o 9:30 MWFE 203 R E oa 73 Problems in Pn tramural Ss pOMts coe orescc creo eecere cece ica ie cic Racipeinislouemusieunieoni grt 6 9's 0 gieieaic.s 2 8:30 TT 203 R EC Shenk A154 School tH yeione. . co. se fe. oe es a ee ee fects cee ten tec gh es eeccetsrtne 2 11:30 Tr 202R | ECG Morehouse ‘7 200 The Theory and Practice of Athletic Training..... Anatomy-—G0lue.. 6. ee sie uae 3 9:30 MWF 202 R GECT Allen — 300 Special Problems in Physical Education.......... 15 hours Physical Eduecation....}| 2-4 | Appt. Appt. 107 R G 312 Seminar in Physical Education................-. 15 hours Physical Education... . 3 Appt. Appt. 107 & G — 2. Courses Open to Men Only 30 Paranal el cainh, 3 oo Mr cece Ae aes ecccec ores oe cig | See ee oe a Sew oo wae od ele oe 3 10:30 MWF 202 R E —— SUM. | Physical NduCHUON 6.5 oc. occ ee teers elec gece esc e bec cte te des case tes 2 8:30 | MTWTF 101 R E _———. 33M | Physical EN OR ee Ste eee oe eee ee teal prying enon te a ar eee a 2 9:30 MTWTF 101 R E *35 AUGER Ne ces ore en he ot olde he Oe | Oe oe cee ee sinaterowis 'e aceite. ge a 6 2 10:30 TT 203 R ECT Replogle 65 Basketbalcss Noose St ie ee eee Sistine are ee wale) Ce rererere wieieiere ie teneietigt eae o6 diese sien 2 9:30 TT 203 R ECt Allen 82 Advanced WIQOUDMELs 5 cic ahs ac ose ees sete cn ms Physical Education 35......... 2 10:30 MW 203 R E Hurt 3. Courses Open to Women Only = B1W | Physical Bducation.. 2. 3.5. He co occ da Se eas. oe cpl ce selon ge eee alee te vse e ce eee 2 11:30 MTWTF 102 R E Hoover woeeB3W | Physical Mducations 2c 02.1. i. 02 ae Sa oe cree a is | oes oie oe oe cose Stee se wine wig the Se 2 2:30 MWF POS |... seca. 10:30 Te 102 R E Hoover moo 2 Mheory of ataletica be.as =. tok ce ee soley he aie Fare Seinen Fe eines ooo tle ore ee gine sels 2 8:30 TT 204 R ECT Hoover "G4 Porsanal Pyciene.. oc ts ica oe sees oo | cn es oes PSI 3 Ps es Sa ee nee 2 9:30 Te 204 R E Stapleton BR i apie 5. ee tc 5 gece So ee Ts aR Os Sas wre olan Boe e h £10 S08 9a ays 1 9:30 MWF 102 R E Hoover oak OmMeisting sy <2 oe Ge uaces Se cae Re ce eo ean Physical Education 62 and 63... iL 3:30 TT 204 R ECt Hoover A 22 TD icaiy Of Mwivarabiames 6... Fo ek oe oe oa Win ay a | Oe Ek whe vie Bs Seen be ye ogee ee 2 2:30 LT Pool R ECT Hoover een 84. Physical Exam. and Prescription of Exercise. ..... ARALOMY 00°... 0s sts s det ee ees 3 10:30 MWF 204 R ECt Stapleton * Not open to freshmen. + Professional credit in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Le 4 LOOK