Ost. 3, 1941 Mr. Harry D. Wilson | Director College All-Star Basketball Game Room 807, 326 Madison St. Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Wilson, Answering your letter of the 28th ultimo, I beg to state that I have three boys that played on my Varsity team last year that are worthy of consideration. However, my big guard, John Kline, is in the service. The other two boys-Howard Engleman, my top-scorer, is with the Phillips Petroleum Company at Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The other chap, is the quarterback on my team, the ball handler, and the general. He is my son, Robert Earl Allen. He graduated last spring with Phi Bete Kappa honors and is now enrolled in the medical school at the University of Penn- sylvania. His address is Room 44, Morris Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach EVENING AND SUNDAY 326 W. MADISON ST. Sept ember 28, 1941. TELEPHONE CHICAGO ANDOVER 1234 Mr. Phog Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mre Allen: We have taken the liberty of selecting you as one of the ex- perts to serve on our All-America Basketball Board which will dect the College All-Star Basketball team that plays the world's champions in the second annual basketball classic to be staged at the Chicago Stadium on November 28th. Your duties are very simplee All you have to do is to kindly send us your nominations from players that you have either seen or with whose exploits you are fmiliar so that they are eligible for the poll in the selection of the All-Stars. Only graduated seniors from last year's varsity are eligible and we would appreciate your giving us any iiformation you can about the players you nominate. We are enclosing a tear-sheet of the Herald-American showing a complete list of the members of the All-America Board for your information. Sincerely trusting we may hear from you as soon as possible, I am Yours very truly, Pf & When HARRY D. WILSON, Director, College All-Star Basketball Game, Room 807, 326 W. Madison St. hdw/fml Mr. Harry D. Wilson Director College All-Star Basketball Game Room 807, 326 Madison St. Chicago, Illinois Dear Kr. Wilson, Howard Engleman was in my office last Saturday prior to the Kanses-Washington football game. He is playing with Phillips and I don't imagine he will be able to play in the All-Star Zeke My son, Bob is studying medicine at the University of Pennsyl~ vania and I am also quite sure that he will not be able to get away from Penne for practise as he has medical work which is very strenuous. I am sure, however, that the boys would appreciate the honor if the selection came to then, but I doubt if either one will be able to plays Sincerely, Director jof Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Bjasketbell Coach — | | 326 W. MADISON ST. EVENING AND SUNDAY October 6, 1941. Mr. Forrest ©, Allen, Director, Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansase Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mre Allons Thanks kindly for your reponse to our letter asking for nomin- ations for the College All-Star Basketball team Your Howard Engleman is receiving an exceptional amount of no- tice from both coaches and writers and appears almost = cinch to be named on the All-Star squad. Your boy, Bob, has also received several nominations from Mid= west writers and coaches, although not quite as much mention as Engleman.e We certainly hope that Bob makes the grade from coaches and writers to merit selection, as we would really er- joy having your son on the team as the second generation name to go down in basketball historye TELEPHONE ANDOVER 1234 Sincerely, — < : ye Y HARRY D. WILSON, Director, College All-Star Basketball Game, Room 807, 326 W. Madison Ste 5 ee hdw/fml EVENING AND SUNDAY 326 W. MADISON ST. TELEPHONE Oct ober 95 1941. ANDOVER 1234 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director, Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansaso Deer Mr. Allen: It was very nice of you to write me under date of October 8th advising me of the status of Engleman and your boy, Bob with reference to the All-Star Basketball squade As you suggest, we will keep them both. in the polling because they are making excellent races for a place on the squad and both are receiving very favorable comment from criticse As far as Engleman is concerned, I think he would be foolish to pass up the All-Ster game, even though engaged with Phillips, because it would in no way interfere with his continuing to pley with Phillips inasmch as the event will be sanctioned by the AsAeU. I am sure Phillips will be glad to give him a leave of absence toearnthe signal honor of par- ticipating in this Classic event. However, we will contact him direct and see what the prospects arée : I can understand easily that it would be a problem for Bob to get away from his studies, as Jim Ray of Michigan had the same difficulty last year when he was taking his medical course at that college. We will drop a letter to Bob at the University of Pennsylvania, and perhaps there may be something he will be able to do in the event of his se- lection. At any rate, thanks again for your very thoughtful interest and cooper~ atione Sincerely, | Lye HARRY D. WILSON, Director, College All-Star Basketball Came, Room 807, 326 W. Madison Ste hdw/fml November 21, 1941. Ure Uarry ¥. Wilson, Director, College All-Star Basketball Came, 526 West Medigon St., . Chicago, Tllincis. — 7 | Dear Mr. Wilson: I regret that my absence from the office and my work has kept me so busy that I have been unable to answer your communication sooner. I trust you will forgive me, and I am sure that you will have very fine success with the team under the guidance of Coach Lone borge “Dutch” wes captain of my 1920 basketball team end & great captain he was. He also played quarterback for me when I was coaching football at Kansas in 1920. We tied Nebresica 20 - 20, after they had run up their _ 2 points in the first half. Very sincerely yours, = ‘Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, -POAsAR Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. HERALD isigeAMERICAN EVENING AND SUNDAY . TELEPHONE ANDOVER 1234 326 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO October 18, 1941. Mr. Forrest & Allen, Basketball Coach, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mir. Allen: May I at the outset thank you kindly for your splendid coop ra- tion in serving on the All-America Basketball Board and submit- ting nominations for the eighteen players to represent the Col- lege All-Stars in the basketball classic to be held at the Chi- cago Stadium on November 28th? We are enclosing herewith a complete list of all the players placed in nomination by the Board, and will appreciate your numbering your choices for the eighteen places from 1 to 18, so that we may grade them accordiinglye After the receipt of the returns from all the members of the Board on this grading list, you will then receive one more list with the number boiled down; and we will ask you to mke your final selections of the eighteen from the final list submitted, which will be in the course of a couple of weeks, after you re- turn the enclosed ballot. Incidently, if you are plaming on being in Chicago for the All-Star cage classic, I trust you will advise me so that I may make arrangements for you to be in the officials's section. Will appreciate your returning this ballot immedi ately with yourrecommendations, in order to expedite the poll. Sf Sincerely, HARRY D. WILSON, Director, College All-Star Basketball Game, Room 807, 326 W. Madison St. hdw/fml Sel Semmarts, West seeky ky state Teachers uperior, Wisconsin Teachers ttsburgh Name grt "Red" Hickey Sete ae - pel Toland Santa Clara UeGoleole : Clara South Carolina City Golle ge of New York New York U Duquenne Serta gh State North Carolina Rochester vores Kent ueky State Teachers West Texas Sate Southwest ern Cklahoma | Iowa State Oakland City Tennessee 326 W MADISON ST CHICAGO "EVENING AND SUNDAY December 2, 1941. TELEPHONE ANDOVER 1234 Mr. Forest C. Allen, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mr. Allens Please accept our sincere thmks for your cooperation on our recent College All-Star Basketball Classic. We appreciate your efforts in helping to make it the success it wase Cordially, HARRY. De WILSON, Director, College All-Star Basketball Game. hd w/ fim1