DIVISION I—Field A—Concluded es SEc CouRsE gis ie Cr. TIME DAY Room | Bupe.} Instructor SPEECH AND DRAMATIC ART *] Ae Principles: of Speech. '.. es. | eee eS 2 8:30 MWF 103 G Anderson Bei Principles of Speech’... 4.1. Ses ka 2 9:30 MWF 103 G Anderson GH iePrincmples of Speech. °.4.ciscl. coer ce 2 9:30 MWF 206 F Barton o—p— Perimeter of Speech. ......|......0..ce cease —2 DOSS Quine MWF 103 G Calderwood tr Pritteiplos Of Speech........|........00ceeeee _) 10:30 MWF 105 G Dixon ie Principles:of Speech. 566261... ek ee 2 11:30 MWF 103 G Barton Ge ebrinciples of Speech. 4.4). ose ss 2 11:30 MWF 112 F Dixon |} Principles of Speech. 2) 202 | ee me. 2 2:30 MWFE 103 G Barton *2 Literary Interpretation... .. DR eGo. 2 9:30 ee 103 G Anderson aS were MEDIOHION:. ses. sis cs tht c DS eehee sg eae oe 2 1:30 MWF 103 G Calderwood ¥*11 Aee\* General: Play-Production: . .|-1. 4305) oe 3 9:30 MWF 2 G Dixon Be ls Generali Play Production. . 3:16. 35.520. 3s. 3 1:30 MWF 3 G Barton 57 er Dher Motion Picture: i 2s. 4) s 2 2 3:30-5:00 MW 3 G Crafton 61 A | Extempore Speaking....... cies cee ani pee 2 9:30 TT 3 G Buehler B | Extempore Speaking....... DeBoer 2 10:30 TT 3 G Buehler 68 Debates cee tease ae oes Meese vedere ak 3 11:30 MWEF |Court|! G Buehler room a Radio Dramatic Prod...... NOR ae ie ato 2 Recitation...) hee eal eee ate a ln 2:30 $b 3 G Calderwood BAUAIDOLRUOUY St Sec eeclec sats et siteserste ort uidi sduiae Appt DDG sce te en Calderwood 154 Theory. and:Prac, of Direct.,| 1102252... 05.024)... 3 FLGCHaHIONS 0 5 os ee ec ioe, ate ese 6 10:30 MWF 3 G Crafton aboratonys ss secs ee ie Oe OE SO Ee oe 2:30 MWF 3 G Crafton 156 Dramatic Technique....... Sore yess eke 3 11:30 MWF 3 G Calderwood 164 Psychology of Persuading Audiences... 0. a... GIFOrO7 2.26 o... 3 10:30 MWF 106 G Buehler 169 Advanced Debating........ 67-and 68).57.0.). . 2 4:30 rr 3 G Buehler 272 Blay Writine Il. 3... .2.). (See catalogue).. 2 2:30-4:20 Tu 5 G Crafton sce Gases