Physical Education Edueation involves enrollment in both ea first-half and of which must be completed before any credit is givene 2:30 4:30 2330 Appte 107 R Staff Appte 101 4330 3330 Advanced Fenoing Bleme Tap Dancing 2330 11:30 a Bleme Sooial Dancing 10330 Eleme Badminton A } | 11:30 B Bleme Sadminten 45a 11230 Adve Sadninton 450 — 4259 Eleme Equitation Elem. Equitation 47a A 3:50 47a 8B Intermed. Equitation 47a 4:30 & Ads ‘Varsity Athletics my be schoduled only for onoshnlf of each semesters 47e