DIVISION II—Field B—Continued CouRSsE PREREQUISITE No. Szc. Cours E Cocnans Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupa.| Instructor GEOGRAPHY 3. Principles of Geography....| 2 yrs. H.S. Math.| 5 GOO UENO) coo Aerie isciel sic Omi legac: ceeelne oe era 1:30 MWEF 101 H Posey EP DOVStONY. |.) ree We tl.) AB ess bak ba Pewee 4 1:30-3:20 CT 201 re Posey 8a Principles of Geography....| Ditto.......... 3 1:30 MWE 101 H Posey 4 Heonomic Geography... sili cs. c sss faethe wk 2 9:30 4 il 112 FS | Posey 53 |---+-| World Geography......... 1 Or: 3 Or Sa8...0°5% 3 9:30 MWF 209 H Posey 57 _ |....| Geography of So. America..| Ditto.......... 3 10:30 MWF 208" EE Posey GEOLOGY i) A | General Geologyt.......... 2 yrs. H.S. Math. 5 OC OUTONT. 25 liao ok o:. vo ween Eo Cinenstucvlbeenec als 8:30 MWF 101 H Schoewe Maboratory 6. 65.2% Wage eMetcascae sce mleaiec 8:30-10:20 cy 201 H_ | Schoewe and 203 assts. or 206 10:30-12:20 Te 203 H Schoewe and 206 assts. B | General Geology}.......... TOMO Bs ei ie voreisne 5 TO CEURG Gs, i Meee os bls aA Ris boo aoe aiecal eRe 2:30 MWF 101 H Smith WCADOLALON Maree cs ah irae ok oe alee ae 1:30-3:20 PT 203 H Smith and assts. ilk Physical Geologyt fics... ..|' Dittov:. oo... . 5 WUC CGURE Sree sc oilwiee oor levels arseice att he oe A cee 10:30 MWF 101 H Schoewe Wa boratorys i0dcis. Wieck ss Fees lianale 10:30-12:20 OT 201 H Schoewe and assts. lla Physical Geology Labft J..| 1 2 |10:30-12:20 ey 201 Schoewe and assts. 21 Historical Geology......... Grete S53. herke 5 Lecture and Recitation. 21: i005. 5.8 bs eos clo eae 9:30 MTWTF 101 Moore Group'@onforences. .. i ii|... eee. bikes Made: Appt. Appts: Peek st Moore 31 IMIIGE RIOR tacks es cio ck 1 or 11 and (or 5 1:30-4:20 MWF 5 Dreyer with) Chem. 1 or 2. 51 Geology and Manf........ 2yrs. H.S. Math.) 2 10:30 Tr LOL |e Staff 80 Igneous and Metamorphic TROCKS einicicnsas cle kelies Landis tin, sa... 3 FOGUAEGN dia als sae ie Haveilisde tas es oat he eles 11:30 MWF 5 H Dreyer MIR MOERCOUY Go. 0y onsce cisaers ages neat Gea CLG Pa Appt. ADD cecilia Dreyer 142 Structural Geology II...... UE Pea ae cra aes 2 1:30 Cr 208 | H Smith 161 Invertebrate Paleontology. ./21 or 1 and Zodl. 1 5 MPCCURUO HCN siren wurst cui! laeardl scapes sipoesal anal cn 10:30 MWEF Base. | Hoch} King, Moore ME DOrALONy ny ices e Ante laine woe aa ria Nese 10:30-12:20 AT Base. | Hoch | King, Moore 250 Sedimentation............. OU Re ee i 3 1:30-3:20 MWF 205 H Schoewe 275 Subsurface Geology of Oil GNC GOSS) cn os ke QR eee as cipicin i 2 8:30-10:20| MWF 205 H Dreyer + Students who expect to major in Geology should elect Geology 11 instead of Geology 1. +} Not open to students who have had course 1, ££ Not open to students who have had course 11. { This course follows Geology 1 for students who expect to continue in Geology. } Not open to students who have had course 1 or 11. § Counts for professional credit toward the A. B. degree. an ff =: