Physical Education | Spring Physical Education (Men) All civilian men, other than those excused by the Physical Conditioning Administrative Committee (Dr. Ae J. Mix, chairman) are required to enroll in one of the conditioning classes listed below, and may reseive one hour of credit unless thay have already earned four hours of credit in Physical Education. Conditioning Classes Stad. 733000 MF 8:30 896 MW Stad. 9:30 MF Stad. 11:30 MF Stad. 23:50 MWP Stad. 4:30 MHF Stad. Men in the V-12 Navy program must enroll in one of the classes listed below. Education: 8:30 MIWIF R200 9330 MIwiF R 200 10:30 MTWTF R 200 11:30 MIWTF R 200 1:30 MIWIF R 200 2330 MIWIF R 200 3:30 9 MEWEP R 200 They will receive one hour of credit unless they have already earned four hours of credit in Physical