ae Szc. CouRsE Cr. TIME | Days a oe CRED. IN INSTRUCTOR Fundamentals Group A50 | A | Intro. to School Administration. .... 2 9:30 TE 17 EFCB | OBrien A50 B | Intro. to School Administration..... 2 10:30 TE 117 F EFCB | Chandler E50 Intro. to Educ. Measurements...... 2 8:30 cP 117 F EFCB | OBrien H64 A Survey of American Edueation....| 2 1:30 ee WEF EFCB | Bayles P40 Educational Psychology............ 3 1:30 MWF 217 FS F Gaston (For Fine Arts Students Only) P50 A | Educational Psychology...........- 3 8:30 MWF LE EFCB | Turney P50 B | Educational Psychology...........- 3 10:30 MWF 117 F EFCB | Nash $52 A | Elements of Educ. Sociology........ 2 11:30 EE 117 F EFCB | Russell $52 B | Elements of Edue. Sociology......-.. 2 2:30 LE 117 F EFCB | Russell Specialized Courses A184 Organ. and Admin. of Home Ec..... 2 11:30 TT: 116 F EGC Hoesly M165 Techniques of Teaching............ 3 1:30 MWF 117 F EGCFB| Turney P178 WAGglescenee: Fieiees Cress ates 6 3 9:30 MWF 117 F EGCFB} Schwegler P179 The Psychology of Character Educ..! 2 4:30 £ Hz FE EGCFB| Schwegler