VI. DIVISION OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS (ROTC) ag CoursE PREREQUISITE CoursEs| TIME Days Cr. — INSTRUCTOR Group I—FRESHMEN 2 Const Artillery. Si bjetta = cic s ss as| «cw ob-s Vas ee ee eee 7:30 MW 1 205 Fow. | Ley 2 Wonst APiery miiOCts sca etic ahr s oni ee ik sade ees 8:30 Tr 1 203 Fow. | Ley 2 Const Artulory Subjette os ilccbals kis ees eee oes 10:30 MW 1 205 Fow. | Ley 2 Coast Artillery: Subjects on: yeaa so|< fcdis soa o oiiisleeth os Seer 2:30 MW 1 203 Fow. | Ley DAE ayy BOUTS oes es en Pach cao a send eve eee ewe Re 7:30 MW ; 202 Fow. | Shockley DE li bebatry OU COUR eascn souls aciet tik ary diliicaiy osc aie views ewes where eats 8:30 TT 1 206 Fow. | Hucks SE | inten try Bub ieCtee is. bas ves abs is sles wiele eel cans HS GAG 10:30 MW I 206 Fow. | Hucks DB | iniantry Supjyocs. 5 is bo yic aes clic os esc ops sale vie Se ele 2:30 MW 1 206 Fow. | Hucks Physical:Conditioning (reqiired) ©, . |. os on eo eee ee aes 4:30 MW 0 Fow. | Gage Group I—SOPHOMORES 4 asat Artilery PUDIGCte ss 5 5a co [oa vc os oa ws Sars Sa be ee Oras 7:30 Tea 1 205 Fow. | Baker 4 Coast Artillery: BUbleCthsc. 666k ag siecle os wieele nase ae 8:30 MW ¥ 205 Fow. | Baker 4 Const Artillery SUDIOCt8 6:5 ca cvs | seas fc seis cee au Se sia 10:30 Tr 1 205 Fow. | Baker 4 Coast Artillery SupleCts. a) 6502.6 els hoes cas bea ee cv ceness 2:30 MW i 205 Fow. | Baker MWS Hig trrantry a DIOU tac elo oe seis ako %e so icc winiaielein ors due aie oe ole 7:30 ee 1 202 Fow. | Shockley YE | at D LEY NL IGOLS 2 55 ioscds ens 6c osric si] sie e 6 ole ee wate pb ins 4! ajo aenoue 8:30 MW 1 202 Fow. | Shockley cl att VU ICOUS. ©. aia Sons oc iss foie Se wide dene Saas ere 10:30 EE 1 202 Fow. | Shockley P| ENIAHtEy SUGGS soso. 2s oe S| niea os wee oe eas Sie eee ® 2:30 MW 1 202 Fow. | Shockley Physical:‘Conditioning (required) *.. |< .6 6. cece cee cen sos 4:30 IVE ge anes Fow. | Gage Group II—)JUNIORS 52 Coast Artillery Subjects.......... Grp. 1 and Math. 1, or 9:30 | MTWT 2 205 Fow. | Baker (2a, 2b or 3). 52 Coast Artillery Subjects.......... DO. oes siete 3:30 MTWT 2 205 Fow. | Baker 52s intantry Subyects 6. ba ww 6a see ae Group desea ss ae 9:30 MTWT 2 202 Fow. | Shockley HAF | Intantry Supicis: .. a. os ee ies DGOrk chases ee eee 3:30 MTWT 2 202 Fow. | Shockley Physical Conditioning (required)*..|..........2...seeeeee- 4:30 WEW = slices Fow. | Gage Group II—SENIORS 54 Coast Artillery Subjects.......... Grp. 1 and Math. 1, or 7:30 MTWT 2 203 Fow. | Smith (2a, 2b or 3). 54 Coast Artillery Subjects.......... DOs css cise 10:30 | MTWT 2 203 Fow. | Smith 54t 4: Infantry Subsets: sc. so bo es Cray ts sss ees 7:30 MTWT 2 206 Fow. | Hucks 54 Physical Conditioning (required)*..|........cceecee ee eees 4:30 NEW oe Fow. | Gage * MARCH, APRIL AND MAY, ONLY. Norte: Group I must be completed before credit will be group; Group I must be completed before starting Group II. in that group. PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT W. C. AUSTIN, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA, 1942 19-5850 = given in that Group II must be completed before credit will be given