. Se Pik trees, —_ / 7 $-LL- if UY II. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION \ Room CouRsE ig pe lo Cr TIME Days we. erm INSTRUCTOR 1. Courses Open to Both - Men and Women / : BT EAM oe piece oe Physiology 1....}\ 2 | 10:30 TE 202 R| EC pated HO ag 39 “| El. School Playground Activ......]....... ce eeeeee 3_| _ 9:30 MWF 202R| E €. Stapleton BO gd MICSIONORY es tte mies Asst, 80:52 53:; 2p p30-- |. TT 202R| EC |-Allen h. 100 # Prin. of Community Recreation...| 10 hrs. P. E....| 3 207'Ho MWF | 202R| GEC- hie te 202 wf Org. and Adm. of Phys. Ed....... 1G hiss. Be 4x SB 10 MWF 203 R.| GECt | Shenk 300 ~¥Special Propiems i PsP: co. ca.o8 15 hrs. P. EE... .|2-4 Appt. - Appt. 17 RG. Shenk < 2. Courses Open to Men Only chores fete kee et 2 80 MTT Tc IOr R E | Staff VRC POCUCROlE, ccs sc itd: crc cee nt ates 2 ‘9:30 MIWTEF10r Rk | EF ‘Staff ae: E OE IU ics Sg gs ges Flew cr eas os ke bs 8 2| ~eseAPii, TE 202 R| ECt Bhenk Yack £ MRasebalhen. 2-80 FP: 203} Aen 90-1 Remedial and Phys. Exam........ Angt. 50); /2 cae ot ee 804 P- MW 203 R ECT Strait « 3. Courses Open to Women Only BOW ehynical tducstion: 2022 80s eels ooo ee 2-16" 10-30 MWF 102R| E Stapleton. 0 over, and 2:30 TT prays 84W- Physical Hducation: 22. oer eee eee ree 2 11:30 MWF 102°R°|~E Heover; HunT, g and 3:30 TE Stapleton 63 MheOry OF AGMIOUNS Db, o. G5's «6 fie vise ie ginoe so se Weaie 2 8:30 Ter 204R | ECT Hoover 68 | Physical Education. Aster... ..-....0.e cen eben. 2 3:30 MWF Appt. | E Bliss HUNT 72 Officiating II..... TR tei era aca P. E. 62 and 63 1 2:30 ee 204 RR! ECt Hoover Ill. THE DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Room a CoursE = Cr.| Time Days 2. et INSTRUCTOR 50 Human Anatomy weve. . 5. soe ees ss Physiol. 1, Zoédl.1} 5 1:30 Tal, Anat. EC Latimer Ne Stay eyes ale pape ns Sachs 6 Gach sp es ow 2:30-5:30 EE Anat. |. . act ie and assts. + Professional credit in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.