IV. PHYSICAL CONDITIONING PROGRAM Men All men will enroll in one of the sections of the conditioning course. Any man who cannot pass the swimming test should enroll in a conditioning section at a time when swimming is offered. During the first week of the semester, tests will be given to those men who have not already passed their swimming tests, and those who cannot pass the test will be placed in a swimming class. CONDITIONING CLASSES SEcTION TIME Days Room SWIMMING CLASSES ‘J were. ats Pinas ooo Ce eaters MAY F Sas Pool * Men interested in track and field as a conditioning activity will enroll in Section H. 4:30 MWF. Women FIRST HALF OF SPRING SEMESTER Room Szc. Cours Cr. TIME Days AND INSTRUCTOR Bupa. Intermediate Swimming, Elementary Swimming............... 4% 2:30 MW Pool R | Hoover Life Saving, Advance Swimming. : 3... eo oven eke % 11:30 MW Pool R | Hoover Diving, Intermediate Swimming... .. ..0 2.6... be ce PO ¥% 11:30 ‘eP Pool R | Hoover A VGH ey Ra oe ei a an te Aon ee eee % 10:30 TT 102 R | Hoover B MONOW A ees cea tener rere tok oe ee a oc Cem eg seni £4 3:30 TT: 102 R | Stapleton SOU NE TOR NOO et anny thc cle Cr eg ne ae 4% 9:30 MW 102 R | Hoover Wilementary, Socigl Dance. 6.2.25. .6 58 bs So boa a Dec do saiees % 11:30 MW 102 R | Bliss Advance Social Dance, Elementary Dance.................0+- 4% 9:30 Le 102 R | Bliss Blementary Modern Dance... 2.25. 6 2.5 2 2k ow cbs fies ..| % 2:30 MW 102 R | Bliss Hilementaty, Cape cis: si Glew le wets aie a a cs hayes ale tas % 2:30 eT 102 R | Bliss Blementary, Vole ance. os. se es so ies cc eee ieee es ¥% 4:30 MW 102 R | Bliss Ady op ilomion tary AtQuery hc os ese sci. soos aos aces % 11:30 | MW 102 R | Stapleton B WIGNGNURLY ACHORY 3 ce cicehe shite an Gato wines Gh cine eee 4% 3:30 MW 102 R | Stapleton Cc Milomientary: APChery sng Ye i ie ek bah. ao ae 4% 11:30 rT 102 R | Stapleton Advance Basketball, Elementary Basketball.................. % 10:30 MW 102 R | Hoover Elementary Fencing.............. Seer ees, ie fe Riera % 4:30 ed 102 R | ————- A MUON ON Gay, ea LOM os See as eel nies wees 4% 2:30 i 200 R | Stapleton B HMlomencary Paaianeon . oes hci ok foe uk cies Cb % 11:30 1 102 R |} Bliss A Hlementary, Bauttation < o. (so. 0o. iss oe co ete % 2:30 MW 204 R | ————- B PIGMONtALY (Pantalones c ck cs sy Me es ¥% 4:30 MW 204 R | ————— Cc SP lementary PatiesgiOn oo. rks Se ee eee % 2:30 Et 204 R | ————— D Hlementaty. Heitatlouin ga ogi se a aren oe eee 4% 4:30 Ee 204 R A Advance Equitation, Intermediate Equitation................. 4 3:30 MW 204 R B Advance Equitation, Intermediate Equitation................. 4% 3:30 aa: 204 R one Eee