Ost. 3, 1941 Mr. Harry D. Wilson | Director College All-Star Basketball Game Room 807, 326 Madison St. Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Wilson, Answering your letter of the 28th ultimo, I beg to state that I have three boys that played on my Varsity team last year that are worthy of consideration. However, my big guard, John Kline, is in the service. The other two boys-Howard Engleman, my top-scorer, is with the Phillips Petroleum Company at Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The other chap, is the quarterback on my team, the ball handler, and the general. He is my son, Robert Earl Allen. He graduated last spring with Phi Bete Kappa honors and is now enrolled in the medical school at the University of Penn- sylvania. His address is Room 44, Morris Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach