denuary 31, 1941 Ure Le Te Bailey 4052 Mein Street Kansas City, Missouri Dear Wr. Bailey: I have your quotation on the electric scorebosrd, end I am just afraid that this anount of money will slow up the ection of our Athletic Agsociation in placing the order et once. The peard hed allowed $245. for the scoreboard. “nis is $152.50 in excess of what they had allowed, so it will be necessary for us to teke the matter up with thon agains I am doing this es soon as possible, and when I got word from them, you will hear from mee Agein thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, - FOAsigsain — Director of Physical Education and vecrertion Versity Basketball Coach O07 -othourlew ONLY, OUR ST LOUIS OFFICE HAS AUTHORITY TO MAKE PURCHASES OF MATERIAL, CONTRACT FOR LABOR, OR ENTER INTO SALES CONTRACTS; AND PURCHASES OR CONTRACTS MADE FOR THE COMPANY MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING AT OUR ST. LOUIS OFFICE. FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. n F x ST. Lours, Mo. A. T. BAILEY ; ir r % Ny \ P \ S é 4 : DISTRICT SALES REPRESENTATIVE x pa a Se Foe aE Tobt OR Fas bly fol les oe ‘ /y ae: TELEPHONE VALENTINE 1500 A \ KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VN January 13, 1941. 4052 Main Street QUOTATION TO Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Dir, of Phy. Education University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: ie submit for your consideration and approval our rough sketches and estimate to furnish a dual system of basketball scoreboards. In the first place we find, after careful consideration, that the master clock system, whereby one of the clocks is operated from a master clock by means of a shaft or some other mechanical device is impracticable so far as our type of scoreboard is con- cerned. | We recommend the use of two scpreboards as shown on our sketch. These scoreboards to be placed together at right angles to one and another and from these two boards we will provide short lengths of -10-lead cables to be extended down to two female receptacles and fastened to the backstop frame. from that point on and with- in a few feet of the scorers table, additional 10-lead cable will be furnished, this cable to be provided with a double-head, each head to have a male plug. that is, at one end of the cable and at the other end a female plug will be provided. It is to this female plug that the standard cable that goes to the control box will attach. This means that both boards will operate from one control box and we know this to be full proof since we have other instgll- ations now in use operated in this manner. We will furnish the two boards arranged as putlined above and to include the necessary male and female ends, control box and 130 feet of 10-lead cable, which we understand will be needed, for the sum of.. $ 397.50, freight paid to lawrence, Kansas. This estimate does not include installation labor or any fixtures that will be needed to attach the scoreboards to the basketball braces nor any special stand. We believe you are in a better position to furnish the fittings than Weo. ><. Respectfully Submitted ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER. ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPT- ANCE AT THE HOME OFFICE OF THE COMPANY IN ST. LOUIS, MO. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR ACCEPTANCE ‘ WITHIN 30 DAYS. FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. RS a a a a ae rea ee cs s UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ABOVE, TERMS ARE 90% 10TH PROX., — : BALANCE 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION, IF QUOTATION INCLUDES BY : Re INSTALLATION; OTHERWISE 30 DAYS NET CASH. é KANSAS CITY SANMES AGENT rh a Sty “1 & a acelin ee (FEMALE een presen —y ay, | YZ , CERAM CONTROL 771% THis CaAutE EYT eas To WITHIN 4 oo rae 7 OF THE Sc ows TAGL E — C peat Cat Ese nate gue? i tA BE tay a aR as aes stom Spittaelgginp Um Chis tp chy peeoae “a 3 iS if: He rs g aie Sa Ma aati! oa cae eee ih ta mate ce ebaset sass saga CaS PEAR RE o ile ae aa S seat adhe ca igi Stewie spate Se NNER: ERom THE BACKS TOP FRAME FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING €O. ST. LOUIS, MO 3 ae DRAWN BY.” GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P.& FACY. SUPT. LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER D.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, Vice PRESIDENT REED G. GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR © LES R.FREEBURG, Vice PRES.& TREAS. KARL H. ROYER, MOSE. MANAGER KEITH W.DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER KANSAS CITY, MO. BOSTON, MASS. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. DALLAS, TEXAS CINCINNATI, OHIO ¥ CHICAGO, ILL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. \& YP ETL, ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. é ST. LOUIS, MO. : ay SSF DETROIT, MICH. FMB ALG, OENVER.,, COLO WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY,KANS. cs . . CLEVELAND, OHIO z GOODS: CO SYRACUSE, N.Y. DES MOINES, |OWA NASHVILLE, TENN. WORCESTER,MASS. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 3 : WHOLESALE . MANUFACTURING RETA/L /509-//-13 BALTIMORE AVE., October 28,1940 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear "Phog"; We will be glad to change the number of pages in your book on basket ball in the next issue of our catalog. I find upon investigating that we have been running it in this manner from the very beginning. I believe that we got this information originally from the publishers, and that is - before the book had actually been published. We are glad that you like the page on the Goal-Hi equipment. We surely hope that this brings us a lot of business. We have been having very good success and only hope that it continues. The Fair Play Manufacturing Company of Des Moines, lowa, makes our basket ball score board, and they tell us that it would not be altogether satisfactory to place two of our boards back to back for the purpose of making a double faced board. They suggested to us that if we had occasion to sell a double faced board that perhaps we should go ahead and sell their Model C with our neme on it. They point out that this makes a very fine double faced board, which, with the exceptionof having two faces, is no different than the single faced board, their Model A, of which we are enclosing circular showing illustration and I believe giving complete information on it. Model C is the double faced board and would sell for $225.00 feOode your city. If the time-out clock was desired there would be an additional charge of $10.00. If we haven't supplied you with sufficient information, don't hesitate to let us know and, naturally, would be only too pleased to receive your order, which would have our best attention. Very truly, H. Royer ei, ee ‘KHR/rw-Enel. Merchandise Manager GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT), > ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P.& FACY. SUPT. . ; LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER _O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT . REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R.FREEBURG, Vice PRES.& TREAS. KARL H. ROYER, MOSE. MANAGER KEITH W.DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER BOSTON, MASS. KANSAS CITY,MO. DALLAS, TEXAS MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO PHILADELPHIA,PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. f P Uf, ¥ CHICAGO, ILL. @ : % ST. PAUL, MINN. ST. LOUIS, MO. 4S DETROIT, MICH. KANSAS CITY, KANS. % ; 3 1 DENVER, COLO. ete ee one ATHLEAIG GOODS; GO een Aeuses NY. DES MOINES, !OWA NASHVILLE, TENN. WORCESTER,MASS. CHARLOTTE,N.C. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING PRETA/L 1509 -/1-/3 BALTIMORE AVE., Aays-s, Cray Mo, November 28,1940 Dre F. C, "Phog” Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": I have acknowledgment from the factory on your double faced basket ball board, and they tell me that our order was received just two days late since they had sold the last one on hand at that time. It will be necessary to set to work at once to build up one, although they say that it can be completed some time next week. They also tell us that they are going to make it a little larger, about 54 inches long and 48 inches high, with a thirty inch dial, and there'll be no difference in price. I just wanted you to know about this and tell you that the factory would do everything they possibly could to rush this out to you. Very truly, Merchandise Manager KER /rw December 16, 1940 wih t& 6% ta Cae cb we tecives te ab 4 fe oe of the fact that it would arrive before our next home gems which is January 15e Of course, I was disappointed in not receiving it, but I certainly did not blame you or the Pair people, but rather the bleme was placed elsewhere because we made ¢ met above our budget on the BigeSiz and National Play-off tournaments, and it seemed to me as if & small purchase like this could have been attempted six months ee ee may and the other is the wrong wiyp Manion | av ak sa ees for keeping on the job and desiring to get the scoreboard to us at a time which wes altogether too short, under the normal business conditions. Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig oil KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R. FREEBURG, Ass'T GEN'L MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER “ ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR S) KANSAS CITY, MO. or CHICAGO, ILL. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. QWE: y y 4 DALLAS, TEXAS CINCINNATI, OHIO, WAL: % ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. ST. LOUIS. MO, WASHINGTON, D. C. ATHLETIC GOODS 4 eerste: KANSAS CITY, KAS. : a SS = CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WCRCESTER, MASS. DENVER, COLO. DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO, SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., BOSTON, MASS. fay sas, Crane Me, December 14,1940 WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL Dre Fe Ce Allen, Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase My dear "Phog": I have been wondering all week if your double faced score board reached you in time for your games Monday and Tuesday with Texas University. JI hadn't heard a word from you - neither had I heard anything from the Fair Play Company, so I had no idea just what had occurred on the order. I believe I mentioned to you in long hand in a letter that the Fair Play Company called me last Saturday afternoon on the phone saying they were having trouble in obtaining certain parts, but they planned to work all day Sunday and try to get the board of f to you that evening so you would have Monday morning. Therefore, you can see why I have been wondering all week whether or not the board was received, or just what happened. Now this morning I have a letter from Fair Play saying that the motors which they had been expecting finally arrived and the poard will be ready to ship today, so this indicates to me that something happened that they couldn't get the board off Sunday and apparently they figured it was no use to inform us of it. I surely hope that the board does reach you some time next week so it can be properly installed and in readiness for your next game. I am awfully sorry that the Fair Play Company fell down on us in getting the board to you for the Texas games. Very truly, Merchandise Manage KHR/rw January 13, 1942 Mire Karl He Royer Lows & Campbell 1609 Baltimore Aves Kansas City, Missouri Dear Karls ; Phis is to confirm our telephone conversation of this morning regarding the return of the scoreboard to the Pair Play Manufacturing Companye ss ‘trust thet you will have no difficulty in lecating the scoreboard and the clocks If you are not . successful, please commniecate with me agains 2 apsure you we are always glad to give you Director of Physical Bdneation and Recreation D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, Ass'T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., we &: CoomeBEm, ATHLETIC GOODS 7 = FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR CHICAGO, ILL. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St. COUtsS, MO. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. faysas; Crp, Me, January 11,1941 Dre F. Ce Allen, Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear “Phog": The Fair Play Manufacturing Company informs me that they have not received the double faced score board, but did have word on the ninth that it was being held at the truck docks because it had been refused. I don't quite understand all about this, or why it should be held at a truck dock, so you are the only one I know who I can write to asking to check up and see why the board is being held. If you'll do this for us it will be appreciated very much. Tell the truck company to send it on back to the Fair Play Company at Des Moines with the transportation charges to be collected at that ende I believe I mentioned in my previous letter that the Fair Play Company said that they had this board sold if they could get it back at once. Therefore, let's help them all we can to get it back so they in turn can make the few changes on it and sell. Again thanking you for looking after this matter forts, we are, . Very truly, ayl H, Royer Merchandise Manag KHR/rw ye % weer seas tO Se eS ba dermuary 1, 1942 Yre Kerl Kleoz Treasurer of Athletic Association Business Office tmiversitv of Kansas Deer Karls I asked Mre terl valkenstein te pass on to you the bid submitted by Yre Ae Te Bailey of the Fred Medert Wanufacturing Cos for the electric scoreboards _ $397.50 seems Like a lot of money, but I am wondering if “re Crow could not make one for us thet might save us some moneys I am anxious thet we get away from the old antiqueted one thet we heve been using. ven the high schoels in our sreller communities are putting us to shares I believe it is a service trat we owe our patronge Looking at the emount of money to be spent on this board, it would cost us less tan 940. a year, because any of these score=- beerds ere good for s peried greater then ten yeers. In the neer future I went to drop over and heve a talk with yous g Sincerely yours, FCA:lg:min Director of Physical Education and “ecrestion Cr, datleenhew Versity Basketball Coach February 4, 1941 lity Karl He Royer Yerchandise Lowe & Campbell 1509 Baltimore Aves Kansas City, Missouri Dear Karl: I am wondering if the seoreboard zot back to the Fair Play Company in time for them to salvage 2 resale on the boards Tam sorry for the mixeup, and I assure you we are always willing to give full cooperations Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FAsig FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR ‘D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ‘LES R. FREEBURG, ASS'T GEN'L MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER ‘ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY, MO. CHICAGO, ILL. j en's” OWE! & CAMPBEM, a CINCINNATI, OHIO, " i “4 ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. al Soe SDS af ST. LOUIS, MO. WASHINGTON, D. Cc. ATHLETIC GOODS (jf DETROIT. MICH. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. DENVER, COLO. DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL CHARLOTTE, N.C. /SO9-/1-13 BALTIMORE AVE., BOSTON, MASS. han ss, Craps, Me, January 6,1941 Dr. F. C. Allen, Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": The Fair Play Company called me on the phone this morning advising that they had an order for a double faced score board, so they planned to make a few changes which were necessary on the board they had sent to you, and use on this order. Therefore, they hoped you had started the board back to them. I told them I thought you had, but I would drop you a note so in case you had not you could make shipment of the board without delay. I am indeed sorry for the mix-up, but sincerely hope it has not been too much of a disappointment to you. With kindest regards, we are, Very sincerely, KHR/rw ay oo OE Wow \N WW WEN A oN ert QQ & WY NY. ; S WN ¥ \» \Y \\ & Sat ~~ SERIA CW HCN KK TAA \ SAA Dab VRS Ie Orn O°F J. E. PORTER CORPORATION OTTAWA, ILLINOIS Forrest C. Alan, Jan. 13, 1942 Athletie Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan Dear Sir: Your interest in Basketball Scoreboards prompts us to send the attached circular pertaining to the famous Porter "Figuregram". We would be justified in using the most super of superlatives in describing our product, but we shall confine our remarks to these few pertinent, cold facts: ; (a) Only the Porter "Figuregram" has Selective Control. This means when vou want "4" you runch the "4" button, or if you want "8" you push the "8" button, and the numeral lights up instantly. This also means a mis- take can be corrected instantly. (b) It is the only szoreboard which does not require motors or drums or dises or tapes for operation -- it works just like the electric light in your living room, tio the switch and the light is on,and it is equally trouble free. (c) The numerals are at least 50 per cent larger than those of any other scoreboard. (d) Its rigid ALL STEEL cabinet is 70" x ou" = oO", We know our list price of $350.00 f.o.b. factory with control cable extra, at 70 cents per foot, is perhaps higher than any other score- board. But, it’s the very best scoreboard on the market! Moreover, for a limited period, we shall allow you a discount of 33 1/5 per cent from these prices and promise immediate delivery. Send your orjer today -- you will never regret it. Very truly yours, J. E. Porter Corporation [hehe jel:s : ohn C. Labagh ‘ Loch at these FEATURES @ SELECTIVE CONTROL! Punch the button and the numeral desired lights up instantly. If you want “5” punch “5”. If you want “7” punch “7”. No backing up or running through ten digits to make a correction, DIRECT CONTACT wiring! No magnets, no discs, no drums, no tapes, no motors to get out of order ! BIGGER SCORE numerals! inches high — one FOOT! REMOVABLE “FIGUREGRAMS”! The “Figure- gram” score numeral units are instantly remov- able! Each unit weighs but seven pounds. When, in the course of years of constant service, these units require factory inspection they may be sent individually to the factory. The entire board need not be shipped. BULBS ARE standard 714 watt electric bulbs! Obtainable at any drug or hardware store. Screw in and out of simple sockets. Each bulb guaran- teed to last 1000 to 2000 hours. FULLY AUTOMATIC! quarter. EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE spectator clock! Has translucent dial lighted from rear. Minute and second hands stop instantly, without coasting ! QUARTER LIGHTS of four different colors! RIGID ALL-STEEL construction ! Modern stream- lined cabinet with lifetime black enamel finish and bright chrome trim. NO EXPENSIVE installation! No costly main- tenance! PORTER “Figuregram” Scoreboards are guaranteed, of course! Numerals are 12 Clock stops at end of High intensity horn! PF The New Porter FIGUREGRAM Basket Ball Scare Raard AT LAST! The kind of scoreboard you’ve always wanted! Now available within comfortable reach of every school and club budget! No tapes, no discs, no drums, no magnets, no motors to get out of order! Trouble free and fool proof! Selective Control! The operator need not take his eyes off the game! The “Figuregram” operates on the never-fail principle of the dial telephone. It’s the fastest operating board on the market. And, of course, being a PORTER product, it’s fully guaranteed ! RED SIGNAL LIGHT ONLY THE PORTER “Figure- gram” Score Board has this selective [som | 4 type control box ! -iwemt Punch the button and the desired score ama QUARTER LIGHTS numeral automati- cally and instantly appears in lights on _. NUMERAL the scoreboard. If : BUTTONS you want “1” you punch “1”. If you want “8” you punch “8”. No backing up or running through ten digits to correct a idtake. Con- trol buttons work like adding machine keys. The simplest and easiest-to-operate kind of control box on the market! — os rir ll THE “FIGUREGRAM” Score- board can be installed against the wall, out from the wall on brackets, or from overhead. Two faces can be applied to the board, with one mechanism op- erating two clocks, two horns, two sets of score figures, and two sets of quarter lights. Two separate boards can be oper- ated from a single control panel in perfect synchronization. Clocks can be supplied for 8 minute quarters, 10 minute quarters, or 20 minute halves. BASKETBALL BACKSTOP HEADQUARTERS ... PORTER is national headquarters for basketball backstops. PORTER en- gineers have solved some of the toughest backstop problems in the country. Difficult suspension jobs! Swing-ups! Folding types! Portable and Field House designs! The seasoned advice of PORTER engineers is yours for the asking. Ask today! No obligation. Write for our free circular describing the PORTER All-Steel Fan Shaped Basketball Bankboards ! Write today for additional FIGUREGRAM FACTS J.E.PORTER CORP. tina e ILLINOIS “Tapnoy _ The PORTER ‘“Figuregram” Scoreboard can be furnished with or without “time out’ elock. This clock works in synchronization with the score- board spectator clock and is built into the control box as illustrated elsewhere. Clock and red signal light are housed under a dust proof unbreakable transparent cover. Write for full information regarding this amazing scoreboard ! . Jume 2nd, 1941 Mr. George Edwards Basketball Coach University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri Dear Mr. Edwards: We're making an electric clock for our basketball court and the qudéstion comes up whether we shall make the clock read quarters or quarters and a half. Of course, we're planning to make it read halfs, but I'm wondering what your impression as to the attitude of the Rules Committee in eventually having the game played in quarters? Will you kindly write me at your earliest convenience as I desire to pass this on to the electrician. I would also like to ask one other question. What is your attitude and what do you think the Big Six coaches’ attitude might be in playing our Big Six games in quarters? This would permit two additional time outs. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation- FCA: re Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 4 4 i = 7 BasketRallEquipment No. B360 SCOREBOARD AND TIMER Illuminated Electric Clock Reversible Precision Motor Automatic Sounding Horn Indirectly Lighted Scores A new combination scoreboard and timer, size 43” x 43” with a 30” x 26%” clock cabinet attached. Has large, indi- rectly lighted glass dial and revolving glass scoring discs that are unbreakable. Individually lighted red quarters. Clock is furnished with 8, 10 or 20 minute dial at no extra cost. A sudden start and stop motor that is reversible insures accurate timing. It is a heavy duty board that is most dependable— guaranteed unconditionally for one year. All-metal keyboard, complete with 10 feet of cable. (Cable for scoreboard is extra, 15c ft., plus $2.00 connection charge for less than 80 feet.) AUTOMATIC BASKET BALL ALL STEEL CONSTRUCTION Accurate, Dependable, Guaranteed 73” High x 43” Wide x 5” Thick Large 20” Illuminated Clock 8, 10 or 20 Minute Dial Optional 110 Volt A. C., 60 Cycle Motor The most substantial scoreboard ever built; welded all-steel frame and cabinet with hangers for attaching to wall or balcony. School or Class Name Attached Any school, class or club name will be put on in silver letters for presentation at no extra charge. TOURNAMENT BRACKETS Special tournament brackets for names of two teams below scoreboard furnished extra, $3.00 Net. TEAM LINE-UP BRACKETS Brackets for line-ups of two complete teams furnished extra, $5.00 Net. FOOTBALL CLOCKS We also manufacture Automatic Football Clocks at surprisingly low cost. Quotations * and detailed information will be sent F. O. B. Factory promptly upon request. Shipping Weight Cemplete 175 Lbs. THE BEST BASKETBALL SCORE BOARD VALUE ON THE MARKET No. B361 No. B363 SCOREBOARD & TIMER ELECTRIC SCOREBOARD & TIMER ELECTRIC TIMER Indirectly Lighted Quarters 48” High x 36” Wide x 5” Thick Automatic Electric Horn A large size score board, 3’ x 4’ x 5” thick with an 18” white enamel finished steel clock face. The sturdy steel reinforced press wood cabinet has an attractive black crackle finish. Furnished with either 8, 10 or 20 minute clock dial at no extra cost. Indirectly lighted quarters and automatic horn at end of each period. The steel key board is furnished with 10 feet of cable; cable for the board is extra, 13¢ ft. plus $2.00 connection charge for less than 80 feet. Automatic Horn Lettering is in large silver letters; any class or club name Illuminated Clock Dial added for presentation without extra charge. 30” x 2614" x 5” The same steel cabinet and clock as on the above score board; re- versible motor, automatic horn, etc. Furnished with 8, 10 or 20 min- ute dial. Metal key board with 10 feet cable. (Cable for timer extra, KANSAS CITY, MO. ST. LOUIS CHICAGO” MANSAR OEY, ME 946) 4. iis 69.00 connection charse MINNEAPOLIS CLEVELAND CHARLOTTE DES MOINES Pe are CINCINNATI DALLAS DENVER DETROIT 8ST. PAUL : oe 0: B. Bactory SyAGUM PUPISRUHGH NASHVLLR: Waseneron - ) te Quarters (Shipping Weight 125 lbs.) BOSTON PHILADELPHIA WORCESTER Without Quarters TS TL a Ue Eee en ee ed Lae BASKET BALL SHIRTS Form Fitting Shirts for Immediate Delivery All styles of shirts are based on the price of STYLE “R’’, round neck in solid colors. If any other style is preferred, ADD the extra cost of the special features desired to the quality selected. BASKET BALL SHIRTS Prompt Delivery of All Special Styles Style “R” Shirt Round Neck (Other Styles Extra) CAMS Style “T” Shirt One-Color Trim (Extra 30c) WORSTED SHIRTS No. B195—Heavy Worsted knit shirt of the highest quality made in the popular round neck style; extra length. All standard solid colors, in stock in sizes 32 to 44. Style ‘‘R’’..$3.15 $2.35 No. B160—Medium Worsted knit shirt of the best quality. A popular weight in stock in all standard solid colors, round neck style in, sizes 32.40 -A4:| Price, (Style < Be. cscs cise es $2.25 $1.65 (Other styles to order; extra as below) ‘DURENE SHIRTS No. B167—Medium weight durene (mercerized cotton) shirt that has a lustre similar to rayon silk. Made to order in all standard colors. Price, style R (other styles extra)..$1.60 $1.20 No. B168—Light weight durene shirt made to order in all standard colors in ten days. The colors are exceptionally good and are washable. Made in style R only. Price.......... $1.15 85e COTTON SHIRTS No. B162—Best grade, medium weight cotton shirt. In stock in style R in sizes 26 to 42 for immediate delivery in following colors: Royal Blue Scarlet Orange Navy Blue Crimson Black Old Gold New Gold Purple Cardinal Maroon Green Price (furnished in style R only)...... 55¢€ 40¢ No. T256—Same as above except white only. Sizes in stock, 22 to 44. Style R........ 50c 35e¢ CAKES Lettering and Numerals Expert lettering adds greatly to the attrac- tiveness of a basket ball outfit. We maintain one of the largest and most experienced force of workers in this line in the country. Single felt numerals on front or back: Ree 4-in., single digit... 9e 4-in., double digit...18¢ 5-in., single digit...lle 5-in., double digit...22¢ 6-in., single digit...13e 6-in., double digit.. .26¢ (Two-color numerals are double the above prices.) Special Features on Style “R”’ xtra NET (Add to Price of Shirt Selected) Style A—Front chest stripe, round neck..... 35e Style D—Two-color trim on neck and arms. .50e Style F—vVertical stripes, round neck....... 50c Style G—Diagonal style, round neck, extra. .50e Style JS—Striped knit inserts, two colors...35e Style S—Striped knit inserts, two colors....50e Style T—One-color trim on neck and arms. .30¢ Style V—vV-neck, trimmed arms and neck...35e Regular Supporter attachment, any shirt....25¢ Detachable Supporter feature, extra.........30¢ Chest Strines, horizontal, any number, extra.20e (Two-Tone Lettering on Style “G,” 50% extra) Lettering and Numerals Are Extra Style “S” Shirt Knit Body Two-Color Knit Inserts CARLYD Style “G” Shirt Diagonal Style (Extra 50c) Basket ball suits are made in our own factories which enables us to give prompt ten days to two weeks service on all special styles. See opposite page for extra charge over Style “R’’. No. B178—Jockey Satin Style “JS” Shirt Striped Inserts (Extra 35c) CAPAD Detachable Supporter On Satin Shirts (Extra 30c¢ Net) RAYON SILK SHIRTS No. B165—Rayon Silk Knit shirt of medium- heavy weight with a lustrous finish that is exceptionally showy, particularly with satin pants. ‘To’ order “inten: days to two weeks. Price, style R (other styles extra)...$1.65 $1.25 No. B164—Rayon Silk Knit shirt reinforced with a backing of worsted yarn that gives it added warmth and durability. A lustrous shirt of medium weight. To order in about two weeks. Price, style R (other styles extra)...$2.85 $2.15 No. B166—“Duray” Knit shirt of medium weight rayon silk reinforced with a backing of eotton yarn for extra strength. In bright lus- trous colors that are washable. Style R (other STYLES stitched-in creases—no extra charge. No. C706—Pants No. B122 No. H729—White wool. Pr..40c¢ 30c; $3.25 Doz. No. €714—Shirt Wholesale Team Prices Shown In Red Do Noi Include Postage Our Complete Catalog Sent Upon Request No. B854—Olympic “‘All-Star’’ No. B856—Girls’ All-Star’’ : No. B85%7—Girls’ ‘“‘Playette’’ BALL CLEANER ATHLETIC eT) Pee No. M389 No. M394 No. B373—Poster Increase the attendance at your games with the aid of these attractive, three-color, six-ply window card posters. printing schedules. No. B373—Boys’ Posters; two designs. No. B873—Girls’ Posters; one design. NET bess: than. 50: posters, ach. i). eek «ia Te Wuantice or 00 or: over GACH Or. es vies 6e Quantity Of 100 OF Overs BAOR.. oiice ed res es 5e Qirantity- of 500: OTr-OVer; CAC oe Seeks take 4e General Admission tickets in rolls of 2,000 in assorted colors, nominations of 10c, 15ce, 20c, 25ce, 35c¢ and 40c or “Admit One” only. One roll, $1.00 70c Each GIRLS’ SHOES " GIRLS’ OLYMPIC “ALL-STAR” No. B854—Olympic ‘All-Star’ shoe of high grade white canvas with the world famous Converse molded gum rubber sole that is most durable. Has a sponge padded heel and arch with air vents. Attractively trimmed in red, white and blue around the soles. Sizes Ato. Pains ee ip alia IP ae aati eS eR Ea ato $3.50 $2.50 GIRLS’ “ALL-STAR” SHOE No. B856—-A splendid medium weight shoe for long wear and general satisfaction. The all white upper is white canvas lined and laces to the toe. A sponge rubber cushioned heel, reinforced and ventilated arches, are also special features of merit. The pure gum rubber soles are exceptionally durable and will hold on any floor. Sizes ins. stock, 246 to: 8, inclusive. Price). cis 6.0 ei. wis ee see $3.25 $2.35 GIRLS’ “PLAYETTE” SHOE No. B857—An excellent light weight shoe for basket ball or for all-around gymnasium use. The white canvas uppers lace to the toe and the durable crepe rubber soles will hold on any floor. The built-in arch and heel are sponge cushioned and it has a sanitary, sweat-proof insole. Sizes 21%% to 8. Pair.................. $1.90 $1.35 THE “GYMETTE” SHOE No. B859— Number of Garments Single 6 to 11 12 Over Improved ad- B $1.75 No. B132—Colored Satin covered sponge rubber pads lined adjustable padded leather strap. Any color invabout One week, PAIN Soe ec es ce cas gin weeten eters $2.85 $2.15 e Cotton Training Suits No. B130—Taylor No. B132—Satin No. B124C Grid Cushion PAYS TO PL § GIRLS’ SHOES—HOSE emery, Girls’ Basket Ball and Gym Shoes Special Styles To Orde CONVERSE BASKET BALL SHOES os STANDARD MATERIAL COLORS AVAILABLE Navy Blue Old Gold Cardinal Maroon Purple Black No. L9014—Girls’ Olympic “All-Star.” High grade white canvas Royal Blue New Gold Scarlet Orange Green White lined uppers with the famous Converse “Non-Marking”’ molded gum “All-Star” soles. Sponge cushioned heel and arch with air vents. SLEEVELESS KNIT SHIRTS Red. and blue trim. Sizes.4 to 9. Pair........ cece eee 3.50 $2.50 © : a : $ § 2 No. B805—Worsted, best quality medium heavy knit shirt, round neck No. L9000—Girls’ “All-Star.” White canvas uppers, canvas lined; style: Pronipt. delivery ini sizes. 28.:to' 38. Price: tas eG ee $3.00 $2.25 puffed crepe rubber soles of medium weight. Rubber cushioned heel NO. BS08—_ Worsted : Lot ai soli : ra and ventilated arches with duck covered insole. A durable shoe; ‘ —Worsted, same style, medium weight. Price....... 2.35 1.75 BizesOle tow8i Pain nica he ie cea ee oe pee sate ete $3.25 $2.35 No. B861—Worsted, same style, cotton reinforced. Price...... P55 1.15 No. 19240—Girls’ “Pro.” A splendid light weight shoe for all- No. B865—Rayon Silk, same style, heavy weight. Price....... 1.80 1.35 around use. White canvas uppers with durable crepe rubber soles; No. B866—Duray, same style, cotton reinforced rayon. Price.. 1.35 1.00 cushioned arch and heel, sanitary, sweat-proof insoles. Sizes 2% No. B867—Durene, same style, medium weight. Price 1.55 4.45 ihe We kaa, ake oe eis che oe heres is cece $2.25 $1.55 Rae ; : oe eee ro ee ; 7 s . Se aie ue ea : : ; No. B842—Cotton, same style, medium weight. Price......... -10 50e No. 19014—Olympic “All-Star o. L9310—Girls ym Ed.” An all-white canvas shoe, lace-to-toe (Any of above shirts made in V-neck style, 20c extra, Net.) style for general gymnasium or playground use; durable white rub- ber corrugated soles. Sanitary sweat-proof insoles and heel counter. SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS Sizes: 21/2 40 8. Pal ck ci Seen 0 ce eee Sat wee wie oie oe o/s aleve $1.70 $1.20 We, G10 AWorated,. beat. Quality