THE “FIGUREGRAM” Score- board can be installed against the wall, out from the wall on brackets, or from overhead. Two faces can be applied to the board, with one mechanism op- erating two clocks, two horns, two sets of score figures, and two sets of quarter lights. Two separate boards can be oper- ated from a single control panel in perfect synchronization. Clocks can be supplied for 8 minute quarters, 10 minute quarters, or 20 minute halves. BASKETBALL BACKSTOP HEADQUARTERS ... PORTER is national headquarters for basketball backstops. PORTER en- gineers have solved some of the toughest backstop problems in the country. Difficult suspension jobs! Swing-ups! Folding types! Portable and Field House designs! The seasoned advice of PORTER engineers is yours for the asking. Ask today! No obligation. Write for our free circular describing the PORTER All-Steel Fan Shaped Basketball Bankboards ! Write today for additional FIGUREGRAM FACTS J.E.PORTER CORP. tina e ILLINOIS “Tapnoy _ The PORTER ‘“Figuregram” Scoreboard can be furnished with or without “time out’ elock. This clock works in synchronization with the score- board spectator clock and is built into the control box as illustrated elsewhere. Clock and red signal light are housed under a dust proof unbreakable transparent cover. Write for full information regarding this amazing scoreboard !