PHYSICAL FITNESS - MENTAL HEALTH ~ THE FIGHTING HEART W/ AN ATTITUDE AND A REALITY -— -2 3” -—~ ex, By physical fitness we mean the capacity fer efficient quttnn tn te tei abies date ks Ok, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing. These should endure under sustained effort in a variety of situations. Quick and efficient contrel of the body 1s sak mieigeny nitedClale ny: Stel Tle TAC ot eats Savant er many. Speed and endurance in the fundamental lecemetion efferts are first essentials. Physical Citaces ia emquned of sktlis pies porwr phen endurance. A high level combination ef skills, power and endurance is practically synenomeus with Dynamic Health - meaning capacity fer power and endurance in vigorous forms of physical activity with relatively little fatigue develeping to restrict, to mar the form of the movements, : er te lewer the thresheld of resistance to infection and disease. end endurance involve relatively leng periods of nities (Graduated é ad Seme are predominantly useful in developing general bedy centrel and power; ethers develep organic endurance, persistant and aggressive attitudes, and team work; others are mors useful as media threugh which seciability and relaxation in leisure time are cultivated. The following sports, such as tumbling, pyremid building, circus stunts, apparatus exercises, i aa Wea aaa bedy control and pewer. Defensive and sombative types of sports such as football, basketball, bexing, wrestling, etc., are used for develeping organic endurance, persistent and agcressive attitudes and team work. Aquatics such as swimming, diving, life saving, water pele, beating and caneeing, the environmental and specialized types of conditioning sperts are used for master of the water. The recreative types such as tennis, golf, dancing, archery, oils ei Shir casi: nid: allan: hersemenship, squash, camping, pingpeng, quits, ete., have their place in their fields. Calisthenics cannet be used te develop all types ef physical fitness. Our view of physical fitness must be breader. Calisthenics my previde something ef a general quality te physical fitness, but reutine salisthenie exercises mst be supplemented by specific types ef endurance feats in special areas, such as running, jumping, throwing, climbing, swimming, vaulting and specific sports. Military tactics should be included at this time. Calisthenics require mental concentration, plays and games emphasize mental recreation. Calisthenics of themselves have been called by our Dean, Geerge Baxter Smith, Hay Foet, Straw Feet exercises. Endurance is our greatest need te the individual. Athletic seit: Siain sia witness ‘all: wii “iii; Camus, agility, strength and power. Endurance. The most important way te develop endurance is threugh hard work repeated er constantly performed te the limits of one's ability. More time is needed than is generally availeble or is commonly Saal. Shert ene-hour programs two or three times a week generally fail to mke a significant contribution te endurance. In time ef war the need fer rugged yeuth and citizenry is paramount. Physical activity programs need te be increased te include more ef the following type. i. Pioneering, leng hard werk in construction, agriculture, etc. 2. Competitive Games and Activities = b a \ yadteetiied?. Gresk auf field, ote. 0 oe ce FORA GAS AA-tf4 40 ™ C44 fe 44 EG Aft Gh iF te strées the fundamental qualities ef stanina. J 4. Health Supervision - medical examinations, elimination of “remedial defects, vaccine treatments, etc. (DeGreet, page 12) ", rosy, satiny, clastic skin is pretty geod evidence of geod health in general. hes we queinanniiiig ites hn went seghyrs te blew lightly thru our clething er brush our naked bodies, our susceptibility te colds is apparently lessened, motabolimm inpreves, jitters abate, ond even other benefits feller. two conperisons my make it plainer why this is se. Fer one thing, sin Selle Hic: 4 en: 6 te ln: el ees Ss Se excess of temperature inte the surrounding atmosphere. The skin is your persenal thermestat which blecks @f facilitates the eneige of hent sneerding to your sects from pour te hem. Dut neerly all men, and ost women, by dressing too heavily, discourage the skin as a leat regulater< It then becomes lazy, waxen, and enly «= iatbiciabik actin: Wiebe ered Waal Olt i On chines ae, Fertunately, there's a simple remedy. It consists of indulging si i aie Wied ot elise Abas 0h eke elias et ie ead enywhere else in the house where you're amy from spying eyes. For a long time I gave more er less cheerful academic suppert te "this belief, but it wasn’t until I had spent 60 years of reasonably careful living that I put that belief into daily practice. Now I understand and share Air-Baths - cent. p. 2. does sillinsinaiesink ny thle etenstaanenls Since I began te take two 15-minute air baths every day, I find that they have hardened and toughened my skin snd that I cums te tania n quatiear teeny Se Ode: th Veh a ETL Grates th for %Ate. In Eurepe, where the effects ef air and light on the expesed skin have been studied mich mere than here in the United States, we find English, French, and especially the Swiss physicians highly enthusiastic about the benefits of ventilating the skin liberally. One Swinn decter even gees so far as to declare, “air, light, end sun baths will constitute the prinnipal remedies ef the twentieth century." Air-bathing has been found especially helpful to nervous peeple and insemiacs. sek i a ‘tenets saieliala, “titans ta aia ids bi exyeeure to Gis em, is insreneed maxindly when Ge pabed tely is equal & moving air. The air-bath's direct action on the vasemetor system and its stimulation of the capillaries has been compared te message. The well-aired gkin, declares one of England's preminent medical authorities, becomes velvety, supple, and free ef pimples and acne. It stays warmer on cold days. Even the muscles are said to have better tone. Be, surely, 16-5 wlerting potest far - special research inte the histology and physiology of the skin. Practice Diserect Nudism. As usual, Benjamin Franklin seems te Air-Baths - cont. pe 3. have discovered this first. est te aia ees ees a ee a a viiien ssisniesiiid i Aesiad niin aed aes: Wass adie weteaaiail Every merning Ben set naked from half an hour to an hour in his faverite ehair, reading er writing, and airing the entire surface of his bedy. To an uminewm sitet Taas tes shbalcs semtbices Sales ses ths Seeihtcietdes, sinitaiten ti, wheat atest in the night, to rise, threw back the covers, and walk naked about her bedchasber to ceel end refresh her body and improve her slumber during the secend half ef the night. Over 50 years age, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, feunder of the Battle Creck Sanitarium and todsy the liveliest 90-year old physician I knew, declared Sok sa a hte enn, “A me ote Nei 8 edfenNly Nenty eictn de shmet cortate te be healthy in ether respects." In 1889 he was advocating daily air baths-- three er four brief expesures of the entire bedy surfece to cool, fresh air. Rikli, sometimes called the father of the atmospheric bath, even thinks that milking berefeot, by subjecting the fect te variations of temperature, his’ gratia ated’ fev quel wi tes wetiive bely tak Sa 0. enrtein cure fa oan kinds ef headaches. Your Skin Must Breathe. Dr. Paul Carton, @ French physician, calls Air-Baths - cont. p. 4. man “a creature of light and air" and waxes peetic about air- vathing because the “skin is created te breathe, abserb, exhale, and brew in the epen air.” . Studies in ventilation, made primarily to learn what percent of carbon dioxide renders air mfit for breathing, lave throw now light on this int- eresting subject. Over 35 years age German investigators decided te find out why seme people easily get headachy, depressed, and nauseated in erowded places. These determined researchers placed human guines pigs in small clesed cabinets sk scan Meats ie sin sae has hin: dal ‘te ‘he inane ht carbon dioxide content was more than ten times as great as any which we erdinarily find in the home. They got a surprise. As leng as the air was kept cool and dry, ne discomfort resultedi Their conclusion was thet the discomfort we suffer in crewds is due not se much to breathing vitiated air as to the bedy's inability te radiate its surplus heat when hemmed in by the crowd. This is alse indicated ty ai ad: Gk aan sadly 0 nme GAAS wind of Un On te Hee Mell repair death follews. More recently Dr. Themas R. Crewier of Chicage has published seme prevecative findings which come from his studies ef ventilation. He says, “The Air-Baths « cent. ps 5. hygienic value of ventilation for the purpose of supplying chemically pure is mecessary se the skin can let out bedy heat, a finding which peints again te the value ef air~bathing. HEALTH ~ “State ef being whele, sound or whole in bedy, mind or seul. Well-being ~« state of being free frem physical disease or pain.” \ Physical Education Equipment laboratory. Kansas Toughener in High Schools - One Minute Test - Air Baths Diet ~ Nutrition Twe Morens - Two Horses Five Essentials of Mi Ss : It doesn’t matter se mch whet you eat at a meal as long as these five essentials are in the daily fare: whole wheat or enriched bread Eggs er mat Milk Yellow and leafy vegetables Citrus fruit Grass Yields a Degree — Cerephyl - Dr. C. F. Schnabel — | “Meterially we shall live less well, physically we shall werk harder, emotionally we shall be under the cress fire of disappointments and alarus, mentally we shall be wrestling with new idegs end new facts. We shall need to be tough = physically, emotionally, mentally.” "I have a profound conviction that for the individual the sisal ities sl saa: Vis ieaings thats ‘ate an cialis ai first things first. That is the basic prierity in human affairs. Let us icine siadeiaceiak Sheh san dns Wk Satie bests iets saline compensate us for what we face." April + 1943. Rev. R. Ke. Sutton, First Methodist Church, Ottewa, Kansas. : Dear Reverend Sutton: Thank you for your kind letter of March 30th. I spoke to Henry Shenk, end he will be delighted to accompany BB : : : I em enclosing a rat, as you requested. Looking forward to greeting you on April 19th, Director of Physical Education, PGA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ente RESIDENCE 425 SOUTH HICKORY PHONE 277 STUDY AND CHURCH OFFICE FOURTH AND HICKORY PHONE 352 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH REESE KESTER SUTTON MINISTER OTTAWA, KANSAS March,30, 1943. Dr Forrest C Allen, Lawrence 4ansas, Dear Mr Allen:--- Your letter received and we are dd igthed to learn that you can be with us for April I9th at 6:30 to address our men. We-avre We have a large group of men in our methodist Men's club and this time we are giving as many men as desire to invite a boy to come with him, The messages that the men have given ,in the last two years have been on the inspirational type ,with the emphags%s on the part the church may have in the present day set-up. The tim e for the message is about 45 minutes, but you use all you want. We have the dinner and some singing and a little business and then an message. Am happy to have you here with us,have not had the opportunit y of meeting up with you. I un@erstand that Shenk from Junction City is associated with you there in K.U. Would be happy to have him come, ag I knew him so well and sliner enjoyed him. We will be looking forward to your coming, and hope you will hav a fine time with us . If you have an extra Mat would like to have it for the paper here the week before. Sincerely, .-..5 . April Ze 1943. Mr. Harley Ae Prichard, Supt., Williamsburg Schools, Williamsburg, Kansas. r Dear Mr. Prichard: I appreciate very much the compliment you pay me in SS ee eee speaker on the evening of May 20th. ‘I have been serving as vice president of Lawrence Rotary for the past year. It may not be presumptuous to assume that I may succeed to the presidency, unless the directors see otherwise. Rotary International meets at St. Louis, Missouri, from May 17 to 20, inclusive. Therefore, I am very sure that it will be impossible for me to serve you in the manner that you ask. However, I do want to thank you sincerely for the complinent.. Please convey my best wishes and kindest regards to your senior class and your faculty in asking 10. I am glad to know you enjoyed seeing the Oklahoma gane. : Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. P.S. Iam not suggesting that you change the date of your commencement, but I will be back from St. Louis on the 21st, and would be available on that date. PCA. March Sl, 1943. Mr. Walter H. Burden, Principal, Hamlin Rural High School, Hamlin, Kensas. Dear ily, Burden: I really feel very apologetic about not being able to keep my engagement with you for May 20th. Rotary International changed dates twice, and the date has been set earlier than in the past. It is generally in June. But this is something over which I had no control. Wishing you and your senior class the best that this old world in its turmoil can offer, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FGA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. N. P. EGLIN, PRESIDENT CLARENCE E. BAILEY, CLERK A. S. KERN, TREASURER HAMLIN RURAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 WALTER H. BURDEN, PRINCIPAL HAMLIN, KANSAS 5-29-43 Mr. Forrest C. Adlen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allens: I have your letter stating that you are to attend the Kotary International at St. Louis from May. 17 to 20. I am sorry it will be impossible for us to change the date now of our graduation as our invitations are already printed and the Company no doubt has the printing on our diploma's already completed for May 20. It may be I can call on you some other time. Under the conditions you may cancel the date and we will endeavor to secure another speaker. Sorry we couldn't have had you. Very truly yours, Diatle Wel. Walter H. Burden, Prin. Hamiin Rural High School Hamlin, Kansas. WHB:CB March 24, 1945. Mr. Walter H. Burden, Principal, _ | ; Hemlin High School, Hamlin, Faneas. Dear Mr. Burden: I have just had information that Rotary International _ will mest at St. Louis from May 17 to 20. This date has been changed a souple of times and I am sure now that it is pretty definitely decided upon. I have been serving as vice president of Lawrence Rotary for the past year, and it may not be presumptuous to assume that I may succeed to the presidency, unless the directors see otherwise. I do not see how I can be released from my obligation to Rotary, yet I feel very apologetic to you at this late date in writing this letter of explanation. i preswac that the Zlst would be too late for your . comsencement, would it not? If not, I would be very happy to endeavor to make arrangements. I will appreciate a reply at your convenience. Regretting this situation, I am Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Sducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. . Thursday 12 13 Saturday 14 January 20, 1945. Dear. Mre Burden: Thank you very much for your letter of the 15th instent asking me to speak at your commencement on Thursday, May 20th, 1943. I shall be very happy to accept. Sincerely y ours, Director of Physical Bducation, PCAs: H Varsity Basketball Coach. DISTRICT NO. 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION N. P. EGLIN, PRESIDENT CLARENCE E. BAILEY, CLERK A. S. KERN, TREASURER HAMLIN, KANSAS FACULTY WALTER H. BURDEN, PRINCIPAL MATHEMATICS, HISTORY HOWARD H. McGEE, CoAcH INDUSTRIAL ARTS BESS H. PATTON, ENGLISH, DRAMATICS DOROTHY COOPER, Home ECONOMICS, Music MRS. LILLIAN PFEIFFER, ComMERCE CEOLA BAURLE, H. S. SECRETARY