salisthenie exercises mst be supplemented by specific types ef endurance feats in special areas, such as running, jumping, throwing, climbing, swimming, vaulting and specific sports. Military tactics should be included at this time. Calisthenics require mental concentration, plays and games emphasize mental recreation. Calisthenics of themselves have been called by our Dean, Geerge Baxter Smith, Hay Foet, Straw Feet exercises. Endurance is our greatest need te the individual. Athletic seit: Siain sia witness ‘all: wii “iii; Camus, agility, strength and power. Endurance. The most important way te develop endurance is threugh hard work repeated er constantly performed te the limits of one's ability. More time is needed than is generally availeble or is commonly Saal. Shert ene-hour programs two or three times a week generally fail to mke a significant contribution te endurance. In time ef war the need fer rugged yeuth and citizenry is paramount. Physical activity programs need te be increased te include more ef the following type.