Air-Baths - cont. p. 4. man “a creature of light and air" and waxes peetic about air- vathing because the “skin is created te breathe, abserb, exhale, and brew in the epen air.” . Studies in ventilation, made primarily to learn what percent of carbon dioxide renders air mfit for breathing, lave throw now light on this int- eresting subject. Over 35 years age German investigators decided te find out why seme people easily get headachy, depressed, and nauseated in erowded places. These determined researchers placed human guines pigs in small clesed cabinets sk scan Meats ie sin sae has hin: dal ‘te ‘he inane ht carbon dioxide content was more than ten times as great as any which we erdinarily find in the home. They got a surprise. As leng as the air was kept cool and dry, ne discomfort resultedi Their conclusion was thet the discomfort we suffer in crewds is due not se much to breathing vitiated air as to the bedy's inability te radiate its surplus heat when hemmed in by the crowd. This is alse indicated ty ai ad: Gk aan sadly 0 nme GAAS wind of Un On te Hee Mell repair death follews. More recently Dr. Themas R. Crewier of Chicage has published seme prevecative findings which come from his studies ef ventilation. He says, “The