PHYSICAL FITNESS - MENTAL HEALTH ~ THE FIGHTING HEART W/ AN ATTITUDE AND A REALITY -— -2 3” -—~ ex, By physical fitness we mean the capacity fer efficient quttnn tn te tei abies date ks Ok, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing. These should endure under sustained effort in a variety of situations. Quick and efficient contrel of the body 1s sak mieigeny nitedClale ny: Stel Tle TAC ot eats Savant er many. Speed and endurance in the fundamental lecemetion efferts are first essentials. Physical Citaces ia emquned of sktlis pies porwr phen endurance. A high level combination ef skills, power and endurance is practically synenomeus with Dynamic Health - meaning capacity fer power and endurance in vigorous forms of physical activity with relatively little fatigue develeping to restrict, to mar the form of the movements, : er te lewer the thresheld of resistance to infection and disease. end endurance involve relatively leng periods of nities (Graduated é ad