RESIDENCE 425 SOUTH HICKORY PHONE 277 STUDY AND CHURCH OFFICE FOURTH AND HICKORY PHONE 352 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH REESE KESTER SUTTON MINISTER OTTAWA, KANSAS March,30, 1943. Dr Forrest C Allen, Lawrence 4ansas, Dear Mr Allen:--- Your letter received and we are dd igthed to learn that you can be with us for April I9th at 6:30 to address our men. We-avre We have a large group of men in our methodist Men's club and this time we are giving as many men as desire to invite a boy to come with him, The messages that the men have given ,in the last two years have been on the inspirational type ,with the emphags%s on the part the church may have in the present day set-up. The tim e for the message is about 45 minutes, but you use all you want. We have the dinner and some singing and a little business and then an message. Am happy to have you here with us,have not had the opportunit y of meeting up with you. I un@erstand that Shenk from Junction City is associated with you there in K.U. Would be happy to have him come, ag I knew him so well and sliner enjoyed him. We will be looking forward to your coming, and hope you will hav a fine time with us . If you have an extra Mat would like to have it for the paper here the week before. Sincerely, .-..5 .