MEMBER A. B. C. THE DAILY REGISTER-MAIL Established 1870 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT THE REGISTER-MAIL BUILDING 154-156 EAST SIMMONS STREET TELEPHONES: Editorial Department 4455 Main Business Office 4117 Main GALESBURG, ILL. March 28, 195 Dr. Forrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr, Allen; f Chicago men's clothing house advertises its prices as "prices move forward from so-and-so". In Galespurg, plans move forward for a big basketball doings when word is re- ceived that "Phog" Allen will behérme to speak. After receiving your nice telephone call yesterday morning, I had to wind up the morning's work, and then the committee met with the high school principal to perfect some plans. In a half-hour session, we developed some interesting ideas, all subjugated to the fact that you were to be the speaker . I had already written a colum, but dashed off a short announcement that the signals were cleared for your appearamce here, am I know the backers here will tear down the doors to hear you. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, when I have more time, to give you the factual background you Wish, IT think it will take me an hour and’a half to give you the data, and of course you can pick out the salient points you wish to. use. The con- sensus is that Galesburg had the best ball club at the state tournament, and the state writers are now arguing with Indiana scribes about which produces the better basketball players - Tllinois or Indiana. I'11 include some of those comments for your reflection. I might say that our committee has been accorded a vote for a "master stroke" in obtaining your presence here. The permral comment goes something like this, " 'Phog! Allen, gee!" I'd like to ask a favor from you.If your publicity department has some two-colurmm, one-colum and also half-colum mets of yourself, I'd appreciate receiving them. Ye have a lready wsed a one-colurm picture. I'd also like some biographical material. In Galesburg, I happen to be correspondent for the United Press and International News service, and in sports events, I repre- dent the Associated Press « So we're planning to give ‘the Western Union some “hot copy" after the talk. Present plans are to meet you at the train and take you to the Hotel Custer, our largest, where TI have already reserved one o f the best rooms. The ballroom, where we intend to have the ban-