THE LAMER HOTEL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE AW. STEDHAM, PRESENT _ SALINA, KANSAS May 3, 1943. Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear sir; The Salina High School P. T. A. is extending to you an invitation to speak at our meeting on Monday night December 6, If December 6 is already taken on your calendar, we can change our meeting to November 15, November 22, or November 29, should either of these dates be more convenient for you. We have an attendance of 200 or more at our meetings, and the usual time is 8:00 o'clock. The Union Pacific schedule is such that it would be convenient to travel by rail, if you desired to do so. We would also be pleased to have you quote your charges, for speaking at such a meeting. At this time the group is planning their year book, budget, and other details for the coming year~and may we have your reply, and acceptance at your early convenience. hanking you, I am i Yours very truly, Mrs. A. W. Stedhan, Program Chairman, High School P.T.A. Lamer Hotel, Salina, Kansas.