a FIELD KINDLEY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS Vv. A. KLOTZ CLARK HENDRIX PRINCIPAL VICE-PRINCIPAL November 23, 1943 OF Forrest Cy, Allen: Lawrence, Kansas My dear Sir: | I am wondering if it would be possible for you to , address our student body in general ars on December 3, when you make our Footbell Banquet Talk. Unt aol ould ade arrange a Svecial Assenbly at any time from i -P ih. to -P Pam,y;, OF Trom 2 P.M. to 3 P.M. tagiecntatiy there will be a fee of $5, 00 for this talk. I have heard you Sneak several times at Coaching vores and appreciate your inspirational talks. Let me ‘nov what you can do for us. Our fee is none too inviting but perhaps you could help us. Very Arul yours, ohn Charlesworth Supervisor of Physical Education Coffeyville Public Schools