May 16, 1944. ire Dan Bolen, Spradley~Bolen Agensy, Public Utility Building, 114 West Iron Ave., Salina, Kansas. Dear Dan: I will be very happy to accept your kind invitation to speak at your Y.M.C.A. centemial banquet the evening of June 6th. I om sorry it has been necessary to delay this long in definitely accepting. I assure you it will be @ great pleasure to be with your fine group. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Bducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. SPRADLEY-BOLEN AGENCY Real Estate - Loans - Insurance SALINA, KANSAS N. E. SPRADLEY — 7 Public Utility Building LEONARD Woop 114 West Iron Ave. re Associate Phone 563 May 8, 1944 Dr. Forrest Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear PRog: I am in receipt of your letter of recent date in which you advise that you tentatively plan to be our speaker at the YMCA Centennial banquet on the evening of June 6. I trust the folks at Shawnee Mission will not need you on that date and that I will be hearing from you within the near future advising me definitely that you can be our guest. 4 DB:Z May 3, 1944. Mr. Dan Bolen, Public Utility Building, 114 West Iron Ava., Salina, Kaisas. Dear Dan: I would be very happy to meet with your Salina YeMCeAc, and if agreeable to you could accept tentatively for June 6th. Someone at Shawnee-Mission called me by telephone and inguired if I would be available on that date, but nothing was definitely decided, and I have had no further commmi- cation from the Shawnee-lission people. lowever, I may hear from them in a few days. I told them at the time that Iwas free on June 6th. ae Tf such an arrangement is satisfactory with you, I will be giad to accept tentatively for June 6, and will let you imow more definitely in a few days. Sinoerely yours, | Bireotor of Physical Biucation, ; FOA¥. H Varsity Basketball Coach. | SPRADLEY-BOLEN AGENCY Real Estate - Loans - Insurance SALINA, KANSAS N. E. SPRADLEY DAN BOLEN Public Utility Building LEONARD Woop 114 West Iron Ave. Associate ¢ Phone 563 May 2, 1944 Dr. Forrest Allen, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Phog: This year the Y MC A ‘s all over the world are celebrating the centennial of the founding of their organization. The Salina YMC A, not to be outdone by her sister associations, are also planning a big celebration and will climax the same on the night of June 6 with a banquet at the Masonic Temple. We are to be assisted in our celebration by Salina Chamber of Commerce, the civic clubs and the churches. The fact that you are so well known in this community and also knowing that you understand the objectives of the Y MC A, the banquet committee, of which I am chairman, have unanimously agreed that you are the logical speaker to make this party a real success. Therefore, I would appreciate hearing from you advising me whether or not you could be with us on the above date. I trust that your answer will be in the affirmative, I might advise that any cost or expense of the trip to Salina, will be gladly taken care of by our local YN C A. May I hear from you within the near future as to whether or not you can be with us? Yours very truly, / hairman of Banquet Committee Mr. Chag. Ae Noliillan, Superintendent of Schools, Slater, Missouri. Dear Charlee: Thank you for the copy of your gradumtion programe When I get into Slater I will call the school or your residence. I have a letter fron Dr. Wayne Konrad, osteopathic physician, oS Sie eae Sie Ne sale: pane At aaah Sabena Seen in Lawrence <« the Drs. Barney (husband and wife). Sime that . _ time he has insisted that I cali upon him. I have just looked at your stationery and notice that Dre 5. Mead is the president of your board. For that reason I think that Se es a et ee er you and your family again. Sincerely yours, Diregtor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Graduation Exercises Slater High School Orc Gerw ee@ocGooGeeGor® Baccalaureate SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1944 8:00 P. M. SeeBee Gor Ge Ger Ger GeooGe Commencement THURSDAY EVENING, MAY NINETEENTH EIGHT O’CLOCK Bee@eeGorGooGooGerGeoGor 1944 ALEXANDER AUDITORIUM Baccalaureate Program SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1944 EIGHT O’CLOCK aeGeeOeeSerPeeGorGerGorw *PROCESSIONAL—“O God Beneath Thy Guiding Hand” oo John Hatton CHORUS INVOCATION... : Father James E. Divine Rector of St. Joseph Catholic Church ANTHEM—“Beautiful Savior,” -..... Old Crusader’s Hymn Arranged by Riegger CHORUS SChIELURE oe ce Orleen Meuschke VIOLIN SOLO—‘‘Cavatina’’..... Raff Mr, Harold Mealy GH NIOIN ee ee ee Rev. Joe Penn Pritchett Pastor of Methodist Church ANTHEM—‘Praise Ye The Lord’... Tschesnokoff CHORUS BENEDICTION Rev. Wm. R. Rogers Pastor of Church of God Church * Audience please stand and sing with the Chorus for the PROCES- SIONAL “O GOD BENEATH THY GUIDING HAND” O God, beneath Thy guiding hand, Our exiled fathers cross’d the sea; And when they trod the wint’ry strand, With pray’r and psalm they worship’d Thee. And here thy name, O God of love, Their children’s children shall adore; Till these eternal hills remove, And spring adorns the earth no more. Commencement Program FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 1944 8:00 P. M. PoBooPoeOoeGorGerGorGoe® *“PROCESSIONAL—“God of Our Fathers’’...G. W. Warren Brasg Choir INVOCATION -Dr, F. O. Criminger Pastor of Baptist Church MUSIC: “The Lord’s Prayer’’... Malotte “The Sense or str weary s..........._ 2 Furber-Adams Senior Chorus ADDRESS: “You Playing Your Part’’....Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kans. PRESENTATION OF CLASS........ Mrs. Marjorie Sappington Principal of High School PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS... Dr. S. T. Mead President of Board of Education PRESENTATION OF CLASS. GBT oc ccccccccscccsccccccoe Lavern Peel President of Senior Class ACCEPTANCE OF CLASS GIFT..................... C. A. McMillan Superintendent of Schools SELECTED SOLO ... Harry Huff BENEDICTION ....... Rev. W. B. McKee Pastor of Presbyterian Church * Audience please stand and sing with the Chorus for the PROCES- SIONAL. “GOD OF OUR FATHERS” God of our fathers, Whose Almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining: worlds in splendor thro’ the skies, Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise. Thy love divine hath led us in the past, In this free land by Thee our lot is cast; Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide and Stay, Thy word our law, Thy paths our chosen way. SENIOR CLASS ROLL LESLIE ANDERSON WILLIAM BEARD BETTY LEW BRIGHTWELL ANNA MAE CADE VIRGINIA CARR WILMA MAE COTT MARJORIE ANN CRANE BESSIE ENGELHARDT LYNDA LOU EWING LEOLA GOODSON LEONARD W. HANKS ROBERT HARDIN LEON HARING HARRY HUFF HELEN HUNSAKER ANNA MARIE JULIAN EUGENE KALINKA LEANDER KAPELLER DOROTHY KEMPER EDWARD KITCHEN MARY CATHERINE LEWELLEN JAMES LIENHARD MYRA LOCKWOOD CHARLES MAYFIELD FIELD MEAD ORLEEN MEUSCHKE LEWIS NORRIS. CLARENCE LAVERN PEEL BILLY O. SANDBACH BETTY JEAN SMOCK ANNA LOUISE VENABLE LOU ELLEN ZELLER CLASS OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY-TREASURER Lavern Peel Leonard Hanks Lou Ellen Zeller CLASS SPONSORS MISS MATTIE JO KING MISS MARGARET EUBANK CLASS COLORS RED AND WHITE CLASS MOTTO “READY, WILLING AND ABLE” CLASS FLOWER RED CARNATION SLATER PUBLIC SCHOOLS ‘DD. D. BURR OFFICERS BOARD OF EDUCATION PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH : DR. S. MEAD, PRES. eit WikLLIS CHAS. A. McMILLAN, Superintendent J. G. BELLAMY, secvy, PRINCIPAL JUNIOR HIGH G. G. NORVELL, TREAS. Slater, Missouri May 15, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:- Enclosed find a copy of our Graduation Program. We shall be glad to arrange for your convenience in coming to Slater to give the ad- dress. If you will kindly let me know your plans, we will make our plans accordingly. Very truly yours, . Lab ag tr tery stlan Chas. A. McMillan, Superintendent. enc/ CAM: blv Rag ee: SLATER PUBLIC SCHOOLS PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH : ° DR. S. MEAD, PRES. CHAS. A. McMILLAN, Superintendent J. G. BELLAMY, story, G. G. NORVELL, TREAS. OFFICERS BOARD OF EDUCATION EDITH WILLIS PRINCIPAL JUNIOR HIGH Slater, Missouri April 13, 1944 Faden ) Dr. Forrest C. Allen, / Director of Physical Education Ape / 7 University of Kansas (hj Lawrence, Kansas ware Dear Dr. Allen:- After so long a time I am answering your letter under date of March 23rd. I think your subject, "You Play- ing Your Part In This World At War", would be very | timely and suitable for your subject at our graduation | exercises. I am sure that if you desire to change this subject, it will fit equally as well. Later, aS you make your plans for coming to Slater, I would be glad to learn of them so that we can arrange for your convenience. In case you have no other plans, we would be very glad for you to be a guest in our home during your stay in Slater. If it is convenient, we would like to have Mrs. Allen accompany you as we would be very glad to have her. However, you have your plans to make and we will do our best to arrange our plans to suit your convenience. You can let me know later as to what your plans will be. Very truly yours, a manyseta_ Chas. A. McMillan, Superintendent. CAM: blv April 4, 1944. Dr. Es fiayne Konrad, De Oo, Slater, Missouri. Dear Dr. Konrad: Thank you for your generous invitation. A little later I will let you know just about what time I shall arrive. lly schedules are always so wmeertain, but I do appreciate the invitation and I will make it a point to see you; however, I do not want you to put yourself out in the least. TI will plan on heving a few moments, at least, for a visit with you. It might be that I will drive over, or I may come on the train. At the present time I am not just certain. I do appreciate your invitation. Very sincerely yours, Direster of Physical Education, Varaity Basketball Coach. E. WAYNE KONRAD Osteopathic Physician SLATER, MISSOURI Ge eae Toate dh 2§,/ cde te Altes On flew Lae Pte, lay Lo vrae tabbong > PROF F Peas ke a Lia eon ard Ae (o¥G ate Thad LELE a iredigsir 8 mtg a7 tHe oo ACE, eid > ou a Boars 2 pee Qe? pee es tL eo iote = ime ¥ pee a Boom — J fg sles Ane eho ger, sore “Cocereneng eo Lert dace oA — tei Zor) a. Maroh 23, 1944. Mr. Chas. A. MeMillan, Superintendent of Schools, Slater, Missouri. Dear Mac: Thanks for your good letter. I am us as the subject for one of my talks, “You Playing Your Part In this World at War". If this suits you I ll speak on this subject, or if you would rather, I will use one of the title listed below: “The Way of the Game" "The Need to Work and to Fight". You tell me which you think is the better. As you suggest, I will use the illustrations that i think will appeal to the boys and girls. I think any program that you will use in your high sehool oan be fitted into this type of talk. Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you on May 19, T am Very sincerely yours, ‘Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. D. D. BURR PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH EDITH WILLIS OFFICERS BOARD OF EDUCATION SLATER PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHAS. A. McMILLAN, Superintendent J. G. BELLAMY, sec, PRINCIPAL JUNIOR HIGH G. G. NORVELL, TREAS. Slater, Missouri March 21, 1944 Dr. Forrest €. Allen, Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:- I have been somewhat slow in writing to you since your acceptance of the invitation to deliver the Commencement Address in Slater on Friday, May 19th. Our program has not developed very far at the present time so I do not know what ke particular subject or topic would be more appropriate. I believe, however, ‘any subject that you might choose would fit in with any program we may be able to arrange. Since you are so well-known by the boys of this state, you might plan to use something that you have found that appeals to the interest of boys and girls. If you will let us know your subject, we might harmonize at least a part of our program with your line of thought. I shall be glad to hear at your earliest convenience, your choice of subject. Very truly yours, LO tg et Mer hla Chas. A. McMillan, Superintendent. CAM: blv Mr. Chase Ae Mol‘illan, Superintendent of Schools, Slater, Missourt. Dear Mac: I can tell you now that T will be very happy to speak at your commencement exercises on May 19th. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to give me some of the background, éf if there is anything you would like me to stress without being obvious about it, it will be a great pleasure for me to do so. You are very nice to ask me and it will be @ pleasure to visit with you. 2 ‘Very sincerely yours, Director of :hysical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. SLATER PUBLIC SCHOOLS -D. D. BURR OFFICERS BOARD OF EDUCATION PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH e DR. S. MEAD, PRES. CHAS. A. McMILLAN, Superintendent ds &. BELLAMY, SEE, EDITH WILLIS PRINCIPAL JUNIOR HIGH G. G. NORVELL, TREAS. Slater, Missouri January 17, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am very glad to learn that there is a possi- bility of your giving our Commencement Address this year. It will be very agreeable to us for you to take several weeks in finding it is possible for you to be with us on May 19, at our graduation exercises. With kindest regards and yours, I am Very truly yours, pee B-wmtnetteon— Chas. A. McMillan, Superintendent CAM: blv January 12, 1944. Ure Chase fe MoMillan, Superintendent of Schools, Slater, Missouri. Dear Superintendent MolMillan: You pay me a fine tribute in asking me to address the graduates at your high school on Friday, May 19th. : I have been coaching baseball heretofore, and the generel feeling is that we will have a versity team this year, although it is still rather wmeertain. I feel rather . confident that ZI oen accept, but I am wondering if I might have # couple of weeks to check the dates. If that will be) soon enough, I will be glad to give you my decision in that time, if agreeable to you. Nowever, I feel ——e eer~ tain that I can accept. Again thanking you for your kind invitation, and assuring you it will be a pleasure to see you again, I am Sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. SLATER PUBLIC SCHOOLS : ° Dp. D. BURR OFFICERS BOARD OF EDUCATION PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH x DR. S. MEAD, PRES. CHAS. A. McMILLAN, Superintendent J. G. BELLAMY, secvy, EDITH WILLIS PRINCIPAL JUNIOR HIGH G. G. NORVELL, TREAS. Slater, Missouri January 10, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are to have our graduation exercises this year on Friday, May 19th, and our class would very much like to have you deliver the Commencement Address. We shall be able to pay a $35.00 honorarium. I have wanted, for a num- ber of years, to have you give the Address, and it seems now that we have considerable local interest in having you to be our guest speaker. I trust you will be able to be with us on this occasion. very truly yours, Cpt oe Ann. tear Chas. A. McMillan, Superintendent CAM: bly May 3, 1944. /S Mr. Le We Myers, Principal, Troy High School, Troy, Kansage Dear Principal Myers: If satisfactory with you, I will use this topic for my address at your High School on May 18th: "You Playing Your Pert in This World at War". I eam asking our publicity director, Mr. Fred Ellsworth, to send you a mat for use in your local paper. | Looking forward with pleasure to ny vitit to Troy, TI an Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, —_ -: ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. O. O. Funk, CLERK Glass A Kansas High School—Member North Central Assuciation of Colleges and Secondarg Schools R. F. Noyes, DIREcTOR W. W. STRICKER, TREASURER AROY miGaGh SsCcHooL L. W. MYERS, PRINCIPAL TROY, KANSAS May 2,1944 Dr. Ferrest Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas ‘Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: your High used have Will you please send me the subject of address which you will give at the Troy School on Thursday, May 18 at 9:50 P.M. if you have a cut or mat which could be for our local paper we w ould be glad to Tt. Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you on May 18, I am January 12, 1944. | Mr. Le 4. Myers, Prineigal, Troy High School, Troy. Kensage Dear Principal Myers: Thank you for asking me to address your high sehool on Thursday, May 18th. I assure you it would be a pleasure to be with you, but with gasoline and tire rationing what it is, it makes it rather difficult to make comections. IT have been coaching the baseball team heretofore, but tT am not certain at all that I will do it this year. I be-~ lieve they are hoping to have a team, but no definite decision has been made as yet. It would be necessary for me to endeavor to work this date in with my schedule. I am wondering what honorarium you pay for your comence- ment speaker. again thanking you and with kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FCA: Ail Varsity Basketball Coach. Glass & Kansas High School—Member North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools O. 0.°FULK, Crete ; R. F. Noyes, Drrecror 5 “W. W. SrrRicKER, TREASURER g Ga TROY EG i SCHOOL, L. W. MYERS, PRINCIPAL TROY, KANSAS January 8,1944 Dr.Fforrest Allen, Athletic Director, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Will you be available as commencement speaker for the class of '44 at the Troy High sonenr Troy, Kansas. The date is eee eers May 18 at 8:30P.M.. With the hope that you can eee I am very truly yours, January 22, 1944. Ure Le We Myers, Principal, froy High School, Troy, Kansas. Dear Principal Myera: T will be very happy to speak at your commencement exercises on May 18th. The honorarium you mention is entirely satisfactory. T am wondering if you would be kind enough to give me some of the background, or if there is anything you would like me to stress without being obvious about it, it will be a great pleasure for me to do so. Very sincerely vours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketbell Coach. Qiass A Kansas High School—WMember North Central Assoctatton of Colleges and Serondarg Schonls 0. O. FULK, CLERK R. F. Noyes, DIRECTOR W. W. STRICKER, TREASURER TROY HIGH SCHOOL L. W. MYERS, PRINCIPAL TROY, KANSAS January 14,1944 Drv aa Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: We would be glad to have you with us, if possible, for our commencemeny exercises, The remuneration for this service is $35.00 imcluding expenses. If your schedule will ‘permit your coming I would na clad to hear from you as soon as possible. February 11, 1944. Mre Le We Mvers, Principal, froy High School, Troy, Fensas. Dear Mr. Myers: T am happy to have your letter of February Sth, and look forward to my visit in Troy in May. I have spoken at Troy before, and I thought if I could help the administration nay ay ty See eee Yee es a% would be 8 pleee to do 80. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical —* FCA: Ai Varsity Basketball Conch. Glass A Kansas High School—Wember North Central Association of Colleges and Serondarg Srhouls O. O. Foun, CLERK R. F. Noyes, DrrEcToR W. W. SrRICKER, TREASURER — TROY HIGH SCHOOL L. W. MYERS, PRINCIPAL TROY, KANSAS February 8, 1944 Dr. Forrest A. Allen Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: We are happy that you were able to accept the invitation to appear as speaker on the Commencement Program of the Troy Rural High School. In answer to your question concerning a theme, we leave that to you. Our high school is a Rural High and about sixty per cent of our students come from the country. The community supports an exten- sive activity program in addition to a very good academic program. Troy has enjoyed the past two undefeated football seasons in the "Big Six League", which is comprised of Holton, Horton, Sabetha, Hiawatha, Effingham, and Troy. This area is noted for its excellent fruit, especially apples, and its fertile soil. This is about all the dope so I leave the rest to you. Looking forward to the pleasure of having you with us, I am Very truly yours, LYM:mr LW. Myers