May 3, 1944. Mr. Dan Bolen, Public Utility Building, 114 West Iron Ava., Salina, Kaisas. Dear Dan: I would be very happy to meet with your Salina YeMCeAc, and if agreeable to you could accept tentatively for June 6th. Someone at Shawnee-Mission called me by telephone and inguired if I would be available on that date, but nothing was definitely decided, and I have had no further commmi- cation from the Shawnee-lission people. lowever, I may hear from them in a few days. I told them at the time that Iwas free on June 6th. ae Tf such an arrangement is satisfactory with you, I will be giad to accept tentatively for June 6, and will let you imow more definitely in a few days. Sinoerely yours, | Bireotor of Physical Biucation, ; FOA¥. H Varsity Basketball Coach. |