March 22, 1946 Gib Stramel, U.S sNeRe, A/S Company 94, US N.T.C. Great Lakes, Illinois Dear Gib: / I have let your letter lie on my desk for a month and, _ as I know Johuny Pfitsch has written to you a couple or three times since wens rn that I might add probably would be superfluous. . | I was indeed glad to get your letter and to know that you are doing so well at Great Lakes, Your observation on the Bowling Green basketball game is particblarly interesting. — : We missed your ‘presence in the ari game Monday night, .Of course, everyone is unhappy about the outcome. We played a rather poor ball game, when it seemed before the game everything was "right". The Aggies played a fine game, as usual, and Kurland's height was still too much for us to gain the rebounds that we should have gotten, We made only 19 percent of our shots and missed ten free throws, as well as three setups, all of which could have meant considerable difference in the outcome had it been different. However, we are in hopes that you will be a member of that aggregation the — next year when it takes the court for Kansas to avenge those two defeats of this year. \ te ; - I hope that you may find time to drop in to see us on your leave this month, Best of luck, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. 4 ee | _ Feb23,/94%6 “Beac Bocee Ale es ee : poe oS Range aces hasnt ban fo many > flange. Qooaed, rte ach bent an pee ym 4 a ee Go oe: a as Grane aren, that oa etn. Aroegre oo Miva : = shen shige eee ae eset > Waele ; ee cand tf a a eee oo gaa — He =f 2 RAW _- Ohne. RA LS Ya 29, ee pete pte ne agrees rar nw eames -———— ——- a eS a —~ : rs . oo xs Ls ted MM. A , t 5 & > isa caion eae ee Nae Rot, Pros Vin Bie. , \ - DADS coanet Pt, ee Sadia faee geo ae CLASS OF SERVICE FE; S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate : : DL=Day Letter Telegram cr Cable- NI. = Nighi Lecce am unless its de- erred character is in- : TC =Detered Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Lecter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS a Ship Radiogram 7] PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of cestimation KAZ105 17=SALINA KANS 14 644P a F ALLENS Bl6 WAR 14 PM 7 Ig BASKETBALL COURTS KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY..LAWRENCE KANS= PLEASE: WIRE COLLECT IF 1 CANGET TWO BASKET BALL TICKETS FOR OKLAHOMA A&M AND KANSAS GAME=. LOUIE SMITHs skews “% em =e ead te \thate TD ¥ "Et = ent Tas 4 Et * z . rr 1D Ea ee LOUIE A&M -* THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE AMERICAN DAIRIES ING. 2asa Ss BROADWAY KANSAS: CiTY, Mo. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT March hy 194.6 Dr. Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I finally personally contacted Clyde Baker. He said that he has practically been among those missing since this notice came out on the radio and in the paper of the K.U.-Aggie game the 18th. He estimates that there are at least twenty-five to thirty thousand people who want to see this game, and to say the least, they are running him ragged. He was certainly nice to me. He told me of your conversation with him and said he had held out the three seats requested. One of these seats will be occupied by a professional photographer. Barney Barnard, who operates Barnard's Photo Supplies on the Plaza, will operate one camera and I will run the other; so between the two of us we should get some fair pictures. The films that you sent me arrived today and Coach Harold Reed is bringing the squad over to my house tonight to study these films. They are in the state finals at Topeka Wednesday and he certainly appreciated the opportunity of having his boys see these films. I will take care of them and return them to you promptly. I certainly appreciate your sending them. Again thanking you. Sincerely yours, L.H. Snith:G March 9, 1946 Mr. ‘Lynwood He Smith American Dairies, Inc. 2438 Broadway Kansas City 8, Missouri Dear Lynwood; I have endorsed the check on the back, University of Kansas Basketball, and signed my name end have mailed it to Mr. Clyde Baker, the ticket manager at the Auditorium, This pays for the three tickets that he has for yous By calléng Harrison 8000, you can make arrangements to procure your, tickets sometime in the middle of next week, I am also sending you two reals of film on basketball funda mentals photographed under my direction for Eastman Kodak ry in Rochester, New rere : I trust that the siakits and the film are all satisfactory, You | : may send thé reals back to me here at Robinson Gymnasium when you are Ss finished with them. I am delighted that your son is going to KeUe Iwill do every= thing possible to extend the courtesies to him that Twould appreciate to have some man extend to my sons. Sincerely, | Director of Physical Education, FCA sMF Varsity Basketball Coach. AMERICAN DAIRItE S in Cc. 2438 BROADWAY KANSAS CITY, Mo. OFFICE OF March 8, 1946 tHe PREStoEnNa Dr. Phogg Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogg: I tried to call you on the telephone this morning but they said you would be out of town until late today. I have been interested in basket ball since the days only a few years ago (36) when you refereed our local high school games, I have a boy who is a junior on the first five at Shawnee Mission under Coach Reed, and this winter I have been taking moving pictures of their games. ; I assume that you probably have had movies taken of your different games, but I felt that if Coach Reed could have a complete movie of this game the 18th against the Oklahoma Aggies, it would be very helpful to him and his future teams. The reason I am writing you and tried to call you is that I want to be sure to get three seats in the front row in the center in the loge balcony which will enable me to place a couple of short tripods and have two cameras set up, one with telephoto lens, so that I can get a complete movie of the entire game. My wife will operate one camera and I the other, and my son will occupy the third seat. If the pictures turn out good, you may want a duplicate made of this game. I am enclosing my check for $9.00 to pay the expense of these three tickets. Now, Phogg, if it is impossible to get three seats in the loges, then three seats in the box in the center would be satisfactory. I hated to bother you but I didn't know who to contact other than you. If for any reason you cannot get these seats for me I will appreciate your wiring me collect at my office. I know that you are interested in the present high school teams because many of these boys will be attending K.U.> and I am willing to spend seventy-five or a hundred dollars on films of a real team in action so that these boys in the future can study this team long after the game is over. With kindest personal regards. Yours sincerely, L.H. Smith:G P.S. My son is not going to make the same mistake I did and go to Wisconsin. He is going to K.U. March 7, 1946 Mr. Cy Sherman, Sports Editor Lincoln Star Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Cys | Thanks very much for your kind words of congratulation. I enjoyed your brass tacks column on the all Big Six selection. I agree with you 100. percent. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely, Dre Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education ‘ FCA: MP Varsity Basketball Coach. March 1, -1946 Mr. Dean Sims . The Burlington Hawk«Eye eaeente Burlington, Iowa Dear Dean: Thank you for your letter of the 27th instant congratulating us on our Big Six Championship. Such letters ‘are very much appreciated. I am glad to hear about your suecess on the HawkeEye Gazette and hope it will Joes amas as I know it will. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sicuntben PCA sMiP 3 Varsity Basketball Coach. : oe ee Hawk-Eve GAZETTE 1OWA’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED 1837 BURLINGTON, IOWA CLARENCE WwW. MOODY EDITOR AND PUBLISHER February oT, 1946 Dear Dr. Allen:- — 2 7 229 Here's a hatful of congratulations on you and your boys copping another Big Six crown. Am only sorry that I wasn't close enough to the court of play during the season to cover or just sit and watch all 6 of you in action. Looks like you fellows are off to a brilliant post-war era of these crowns, doesn't it? By winning thé title this year, flocks of high school stars should really be on hand this fall. Was glad to see Brother Black so torrid this season. Frapernally, Dean Sims P.S. By the way, am working for an old Ottawa and Chanute, Km sas, editor--Clarence Moody--here on the Hawk-Eye Gazette} The day has come when I'm writing editorials,&a daily column feature, along with news stories. However, Iowa is too far from Kansas to be exactly home. ; ie February 11, 1946 Mr. William A. Smith Justice, Sunreme Court of the State of Kansas = State House — Toreka, Kansas Dear Justice Smith: | Dr. Allen has referred your ietter of the 8th in which you ask for two tickets to the Iowa State basketball game February 25, to. this office for reply. In regard to the tickets, I have reserved two of the best tickets available and will hold them in your name. If you care to have the tickets mailed, rnlease send us your check in the amount of $2.70 covering the cost of . the tickets at $1.30 each with 10¢ for insured mailing charges. Thanking you wey kindly for your order, I am | ‘Sincerely yours, Ee Le Falkenstien Financial Secretary ELF imp ce: Dr. F, C. Allen Leo aa ae CHAMBERS OF WILLIAM A. SMITH THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE OF THE 4 STATE OF KANSAS ‘ TOPEKA yr February 8, 1946 Mr. Forest G. Allen, Athletic Department Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I would like to have two tickets to the basketball game between Iowa State and Kansas University which is to transpire, so I am informed by my son, on February 25. I am not enclosing a check with this letter but if you will advise me that the tickets are available and the amount of the charges I will send you a check, | Wy, truly, Wy \ i, Seda ae hay ae eae [OC an ee heSe 2 2 ALLE C420 et TH Agri brooy eezKe. eS a oe | The Grand Canyon Line” eee j J \ \ 10WA Generel Office Building, Topeka, Kansas PASSENGER DEPARTMENT February 6, 1946 Pile De23=2 F, L. STURGES, Assistant General Passenger Agent S$. CARLSON, Assistant General Passenger Agent H. H. CARTLIDGE, Assistant General Passenger Agent Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens I was indeed chagrined to receive your commu- nication of January 31, relating your unfortunate ex- perience in connection with the trip of yourself and Basketball Party from Lawrence to Oklahoma City and re- turn on December 25, 1945. I ean quite well appreciate how you feel with reference to this matter, but I can assure you that our Company does not condone discourtesy on the part of our personnel. We are continually working with our person- nel trying to impress upon them the fact that the wish- es of the patron are paramount to all others, but un- fortunately, some of our men fail to appreciate the im- portance of this fact. You can rest assured that we shall have this matter promptly investigated and such action taken as will prevent a repetition. Just as soon as we have completed the investigation, I shall communi- cate with you further. We are also endeavoring to locate Mr. Pierce's travelling bag, and am hopeful that we shall be success- ful in this respect, Ee viele ple) el. ceheislle] chee) ge ee Dr. Forrest C. Allen =2- February 6, 1946 As you are well aware, the Sante Fe is indeed appreciative of our relationship with the University of Kansas and especially with your Department. You have been most helpful in every way in favoring us with your patronage, and I sincerely extend you my humble apology for this unfortunate incident. With kindest personal regards, I am Very truly yours, FO Jae. 4, [ytb bed td a a, d nde 6 bide ee, hath de fa Yr ¢, tad WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY SALEM, OREGON OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT January 23, 1946 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: It was thoughtful of you to write me concerning Mr. Elmer H. Schaake, I will attach your letter to his credentials and present it to the Board committee on Ath- letics, It will be very helpful to us in considering Mr. Schaake, Sincerely, G. Herbert Smith President GHS hg January 23, 19 46- a TE OR A Sees of KeUs and LeMeHeS. Students : i 1230 Oread Street ec i Lawrence, Kansas — r Dear. Students: | ee a) \ Dre Allen received your ietter of January 20 i eee but had to rush to basketball] practice without answering it. =| Therefore, I am writing you for him : j | ' } Dre Allen will be very glad to talk to your eddies sentative or representatives about the slot machine problem. af He had no idea there were any such’ machines in operation ere in Lawrence, and so he will be glad to help you solve “than probleme Sincerely, Ha MP Secretary to Dr. Allen - PSOE A Bit to SOREL a perfectly proper thing toé do,which $e An es in our opinion, _ Lawrence, Kansas” 1230 Oread Street January 20, 1946 To Seuntitine Forrest Allen, Dear Sir: We wish to call your attention to a pressing problem which exists in Lawrence. We believe that about the time of the last election the slot machine problem was given consideration. Perhaps some action was taken along this line, bututhe situation definitely still exists. It may be true that boys under 18 years of age are supposedly being barred from playing these machines, but cade has had no effect upon the "take" beeause boys over 18 are still lesing heavily and nothing is being done about it. As a group of students of K.U. and High Schodl, we wish to voise our opinion. Our opinion is that all such machines should be barred. Their influence upon a great portion of the youth in this — should be brokem. Is 4t not true that all citizens, including the professors and teachers, should give some consideration to stopping this situation ? Many people have seen some suck professers and teachers 4anigenerezrand one certain K.U. Speech professor in partivular, operating these machines quite reguaarly. This in itself is, perhaps, of no significance to speek or, Bae rs is: without a doubt in our opinion an influence | upon the students: in both schools. Perhaps this and other prefessors do not realize this and do it for enjoyment ,. but the fact remains that they have been seen often in these places and operating thesec machines. Many students therefore may think that it is more or less rok ; } “some kina of response. If you think the problem worthy of consider we will extend our discussion to more specific statements. Yours sincerely, — A group of K.U. and L.M.H.S. | “students. ee ° danuary 19, 1946 - Mr. Elmer Schaake Dinube High School Dinube, California Dear Elmer: I am sending you a ‘earbon copy of the lepter that I should have written to President G, Herbert Smith " long agoe The letter is scticenaiers and t hope that — you get the jobe Our love to your fine family. Sincerely yours, | | Director of Physical Education, FCA:MF - Varsity Basketball Coach. Ene