THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION os ee ae BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE aN pS TiC AONE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION November 3, 1938 COPY Mr. John Bunn Dean of Men Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Mr. Bunn: At the request of Dr. Allen we are writing to you concerning the motion pictures which you have made of Stanford basketball games. We would appreciate it if you would notify us at your convenience the conditions under which the films were made. We would also like to know who photographed the games for you. We shall be pleased to receive any information you care to send us concerning the films. . Thanking you in advance for your courtesy in this matter, I am Sincerely yours, BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION Secretary FSM: RM THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ; ’ DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION spakiee Gk a bene : F Vv BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE ANG RESEARCH LAWRENCE SURG! oF canReee HE On ee LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION COPY Athletic Department University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky At the request of Dr, Allen we are writing to you concerning the motion pictures which you have made of Ken« tucky basketball gemes, We would appreciate it if you would notify us at your convenience the conditions under which the films were wede, We would also like to know who photographed the games for you, We shall be pleased to receive sny information you. care to send us concerning the films, Thanking you in advance of your courtesy in this matter, I am Sincerely yours, I em enclosing a copy of the rules and regulations of the Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Association, ‘the Big Six 3 3 published in 1937, This is the latest edition ava: NORTHEASTERN TEACHERS COLLEGE TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY L. H. Ball D. R. Bedwell November 28, 1938 a : - Mr. F. C. Allen a University of Kansas 3 Lawrence, Kansas eae 3 7 . My dear Mr. Allen; 7 _ Will you be so kind as to send | : ee me the latest edition of the "Big | Six Athletic Conference Rules and oo. | Regulations" or to give me the add- a, | ress of the proper authorities from : whom a copy may be obtained? Athletic Council " a 3 we : I do think the Warrensburg gene will be worth wateh~ Vth all good wishes, I em Dre de As puainestey, Huron Building, Kansas City, Eansase or Dis Billingsley: I em sending you a schedule of our taskettell gina, sont tee: Uae pate MARL Shed 40 pemnliite So aebeal some of then this winter. Iam sorry thet I didn't get ee en ee ee | : de on this program please let me lmow and I will have someone mect you et the train and show you to our ssing quarters the auditorium for your work oute We practice yee cs « . in 4m the gymmasium and we pley in the auditorium which is less than a. hundred yards from our gyumasium. We could have both quarters ready and you could choose the one that you desires We do not have the manager systen in vogue here, but we will have someone te show you every convenience and courtesy within our powers. eas | May I reciprocate by wishing you the best of successe With kindest personal regards, J en Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ee LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR November 21, 1938 Dr. Forrest Allen ~ Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: On our Eastern trip this year, we are playing Purdue on December 22 and I cannot leave Los Angeles until December 18. I find that I can be in Lawrence at 6:23 on the evening of December 20. Would it be possible to arrange a work-out at your gymnasium on that date? In fact, we might have an informal scrimmage. I will heve to get out of there the same night at 9:20. We will be ready to go directly to the gym on our arrival and we will have to leave again an hour before train time. I-am very anxious to have some kind of a work-out en route to Purdue and I would appreciate it very much if we could arrange an informal scrimmage or at least have the use of your gym on thet evening. I would appreciate an early reply so that I may definitely set up my schedule. Wishing you the best of suecess this year and kindest personal regards. Sincerely yours, a JMB: e oe - ‘Ban ia Basketball Coach OFFICE OF THE Laforence Public Schools C. E. BIRCH, SUPERINTENDENT : Datrence, Kansas October 26, 1938 | : | Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director ‘Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have been out of the office, a little under the weather, for a day or two or I should have written you sooner in answer to your fine letter of October él. There is positively nothing to forgive, Dr. Allen. I am always glad to shake your hand, but you were busy and there was no thought in my mind that you had been discourteous in the least. On the other hand, I should thank you for the very fine address that you gave. I am sorry I did not get to hear all of it. John Jacobs remarked to me later that he felt “put on the spot" to have to follow you. I may say, however, that Mr. Jacobs did himself proud. Again thanking you for your great interest in our schools, I am Very sincerely, t - f Superintendent CEB: VW : :