Mey 25, 1945. Dean BE. B. Stouffer, The Graduate School, University of Kansas. Dear Dean Stouffer: I em expressing to you my opinion that Mr. Wayne Ps Replogle ie qualified to do graduate works I have looked et his transeript from the College of penee an § hor also reviewed with Dr. Woodruff the work that he nila Bainbridge, Maes and at the U. &. Naval Training den Samson, New York. As I view his transcript, I feel that he sa covered some of the essential points in anatony, phgsiology, and kinesiology, and other related subjecta. — Way I state further that in wy opinion Mr. Replogle is a keenly interested student who by the power of his en- thusiasm, energy and mental ability adds up into a fine student and a fine personality. Sincerely yours, | Director of Phyeical Education, PCA:AR Varsity Basketball Coach.