fo Council uowbers absent from the meeting on Janmary 30, 1945. - You are to have a new ehefruen after all these years. Henry ohenkk has been persuaded to relieve me of the “front and center" job, and the gain to the Council is going to be @onsid- erable since he will not only bring new ideas but valuable contacts with downtown civic leaders, iI can't tell you how meh I appreciate the oes tion you've given me and how auch I heave enjoyed work th you. Please give Henry the sane ieee support, and a cause of recreation for Lawrence will "go places I have promised him to continue doing the drudgery chores, and will contime on the Council, — "ie. ben . ted that h 124 rvision experiment : « Dean repor our ho ay gym st sion : had worked out very well; especially at Christmas tine did Dr. Allen , feel it had proven well worth while, Bill of $156,50 approved. ii-S.S, authorized to purchase file for all Council records, $10.( a max, Stapleton, Six, Woostenceyor and Steckton reported on the a years operation of servieceuen's center, dissolution of the toduun: and closing of the center. Full activity and financial report in re will be placed in the Council files, NEAT Mi“TING SET FOR NOON AT @ LONIAL NEXT TUESDAY, FPEGRUARY SIXTH, PLEASE NOTIFY BE IF POSSIBLE If UNABLE TO ATTEND, *LUPORTANT DECISION T0 BE MADE, PLBASS READ C4ARSFULLY THE QUTLINE OR PROJECT PROPOSED ARD ane ae YOUR PROAY IF UNABLE TO BE PRESENT. Ha even innumerable hours last summer to the » teball act: Siisvd Bolsa Seahe teas tetas tan aoa Tor the city counci *to cooperate with us on a 3 month ci’ ide basee ball activity for summer evenings, He has found the city officials (Ralph Burgert and his city pro committee ) pet An a pathetically interested, but the city's contribu ton is te prevision and maintenance of permanent equipment, which meang that the entire ee burden of leadership and expendable supplies would be on our eee ae This is intimidating, since he proposes $150 a month as salary ; a total of $450, and estimates supplies might vossibly run The Council en ically that such a@ program would be highly desirable, and Chalmer “ooderd - LMHS coach - is interested — in the job of supervisor, which fact increases the good results ; anticipated since he has "established an excellent record with boys. Discussion revealed, however, that there are some baffling issues involved, and no action was n until we have more information | ee and have "nad a chenes to think over the possible effects on the ae established program's expansich, Mr. Houston said: that Woodard wants s to be paid (hired by) ee Deed af Bissstden ont sit by Sey grendy that he could be so employed and the Board would deduct such from their $800 allocation to the Council's sumer ercerens that he had not discussed hours of supervision to be covered by the proposed compensation, nor the number of days a weeks that Woodard to have day- employment otherwise in rato wee tg De ot reine his evenings to the baseball project after 5 pm.j that Woodard had offers for more Soney from other schools; and that Louende iy 92700) was desirous of keeping him if possible, and that summer employment such as proposed wight influenee his decision te stay. The Council's er antopent is shown by Ed