Mareh 22, 1945. Mr. Mark Sehreiber, Station KMXR, Denver, Golorade. i‘ / Dear Marks . Got home thie morning and em on the go again, leaving fer Emporia tonight and for Manhattan Friday night, and Kansas City - for the NCAA finale Seturdey night. Ss I want you to know what a genuine pleasure it was to be with you. You are a real hest and a regular fellow. For you te be- high-presaured on so many things, and yet outwardly so calm, and doing all the things that you do, makes me admire you very much. I trust thet my explosive bombings did not upset the equili- briun ef teo many ef my A.A.U. friends. As & gengester lays his contemporaries te rest and sends flowers, : please present @ Sweet Williem to Bill and to Lyman, I an sending you the last two issues of our Jayhawk Rebounds. If you are interested in them, let me lmow, and I will put you on our mailing list. With kindest regards and best wishes, I am ve Very sincerely yours, FCA: AH