September 30, 1938. Professor We Ae Mill, iniversity of Kansase Dear Ure Dill: I wonder if you’ could give credit in the Kansan to Mr. Herbert G. Aliphin for the idea of having seenes — ee I have talked to Ir. James Scoggins, ines Cakes . sity painter who did the job, and he tells me that lr. Allphin spoke to him about the idea after he returned from a swimming meet in Tulsa. Mr. Scoggins submitted his designs after he had talked to Mr. Allphing | There has been some discussion on this feature since Jin Bell's story appeared in the Kansen, and I thought i would pass this word on to yous I believe it would bea fine thing if Mre Allphin could be given credit for initiating the idea of such a projects Very sincerely yours, | | Direetor of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.