ll. Pfc. We Re "Bob" Fitzpatrick, c/o Postmaster, New York, a member of our, 1943 basketball team, also writes us from England: “Your letters ere still reaching me and eney are swell. It is somthing that you get to lookir g forward fors Every couple of months you get to thinking, it's about time Po one of Doc's letters; and it usually’ isn't ae until the letter shows up. One of your letters was really a big help as Bill Brill got my address from it. We hadn't heard from one another for almost a year, Went into a Phi Delt meeting in Loadon not. long ago and met a man who said to tell you hello, It was Mejor Tebow from Kansas State. . I'm glad to get the good news) about the treatments you've been receiving for your eyes, Bob. That is realiy swell, and I hope the infection has cleared up altogother. i ? Lt. William "Bill" Bolt, who was our fencing instructor in tho Physical Rcuca- tion Departient in 194l-and 1942, was on the U.S,S. Tuscaloosa whieh distinguished itself smashing shcre batteries during the invasion. Bill is aircraft recogni - tion officer on the cruiser. ' As I mentioned earlier in this letter, there is a restriction on publication of addresses in a newslotter such as this. The Office of Censorship advises us that the addresses permissible for publication are not sufficienc for delivery of mail, so if eny of you boys want a particular address I will be more than glad to send it to you in a personal letter, We do not want in any way to give aid or comfort to the enemy. . The Fifth War Loan is upon us, The oponing Big Gun wil) be fired from tae Haskell Stadiwa signaling the real start of the drive. Tuesday, Jme 20th, at 8 pem. is the D-Date ond the H-Hour for the mammoth bond sale and aucticns » Things difficult to get. such as Klecnex, nylon hose, a saddle, a new tire, 100 gallons of gasoline (the ration board permitting), Jawn TOWEL’ s garden hose, 4. yearling steer, = will be auctioned off with bend purchase « As chairman of the program &nd exhibit comaittee, we are working feverishly ‘vc get the job done in’ the most efficient manner. The quota for Dourlas County is $2,215,400, the second largest tn the state. Douglas County has never failed to.go over. eke top in a bond drive, and I on sure that the Fifth Wer Loan drive will be no exceptions The citizens are responding in a tromendous way. The past week we in the States have gone through an unusual exporionce, Never before, perhaps, in the histoiv of america, has there been such a. profound. ei phasis upon prayer. . The President of the United States gave to the press, and later that evening over the radio, a prayer for the weifare of you boys who are undertaking a task that is fraught with dire consequences. Our people were transformed into another world, They knew what DeDay and H- Hour meant, and some way across the miles there was a lini ne, of spirits and minds for. the safety of our. boys. Every chureh and every shi ine had its significance. It might not be that the people are any more-religicus, but it emphasized whe great need for some higher power to lead our boys through the holocaust. We know that many of our Jayhawkers were in that invasion. But we have not forgotten the other thoatres in the slightest. This invasion of Hitlor's Europe seened to center on all the deep not tone of our people. Certainly the