June 29, 1 945, Mire Charles B. Shaeffer, District Manager, War Preduction Board, 413 Interstate Building, | Kansas City 6, Missouri, Dear Charlie: / Please do not think that my delay in congratulating you on your very fine victory is none the less sincere on account of the lateness of this epistle. You certainly had . a fine group of alum! friends in putting over your candidacy. But they had a real candidate! ‘When you get reciprocal salable like that, sone- thing is bound to happon like it did happen. : Congratulations, Charlie, a million times. I know that you will have great success because you will put your heart and soul into it. ae do not fail wé@er such = ' With every geod wink; I am Very sincerely yours, , A . Director of Pryeiaa) Education, FCA: AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.