yy UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION J AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 2lst , 1930 To the Athletic Board, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Gentlemens I am working for the Athletic Association in the capacity of head stileman and also head usher at all athletic games and contests, I am drawing only $100.00 per year for this service and have been since the spring of 1926.Therefore I would like to aks for a raise in salary, As you know this is a particular job and I have endeevored to give my best efforts. Also I have been coaching the Swimming Team for the past five years and have been devoting a great deal of time to this sport, without any pay for my work, The past season we won third place with a small squad, Swimming prospects for the coming year look bright with a much larger squad and better material, For my services as head stileman and Swimming Coach, I feel that I am entitled to a raise in salary, Very truly yours, Alb, i Herbert G, Allphin Ba sage pais 5 hl el 8g dh a 3]