NORMAN W. JETER LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING HAyYs. KANSAS TELEPHONE 618 May 1, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Arthur Leas, Coach of the Hays High School Basketball Tean, is in the United States Navy and was expected home on furlough for May 10th, the date that was convenient with you to address the bandquet honoring the Hays High School Basketball Team. However, since receiving your letter, I have learned that Leas will not be home before the 12th of May. I would therefore like to have the bandquet not earlier than May 15th and not later than May 19th. I hope that it will be possible for you to come out on a date within said days. Will you kindly select the date most suitable to you and notify me as soon as convenient. I would suggest that you obtain your train reservation as soon as possible although ordinarily it would not have been difficult to se e a reservation from Hays east on the 12:27 train... We will take care of your hotel reservation here in Hays at the Lemer Hotel and will arrange for someone to meet you at the train. I certainly hope that it will be possible for you to come out end regret that it was necessary to make the change in dates. With kindest regards, I am Yours very truly, a Norman W. Jeter Attorney at Law NWJ:vb