' ° UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS_ LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION f ee AND March 2ist, 1930, INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr, Forrest ©. Allen, ; Director of Physical Education and Athletics l Lawrence, Kanses , Sime meen rere a RT My dear Dr. Allen, oe 3 | As it is almost time for the salary and budget committees of the various departments to meet, I am E writing you to call your attention to the fact that I wibl | get my degree this summer, Since I have not had a raise in salary since the | Spring of 1926, I wonder if you will talk over with Dr, Schwegler and as if there cannot be an edjustment as a making up for lost time or'sweeting the pot as it were, I feel that this is a teh? es as I have E worked hard, been on the job consistently, always tried to E 3 cooperate, and hope that I have given good service not ; only to the department in which I am Verte 5e but to the University in general, I thank you very much for your consideration in my case, Very truly yours,