Ney 31, 1944. li. Dan olen, Public Utility Building, 114 Nest Iron Aves, Salina, Kansas. Dear Dans mixed group of men and women. fine tana it be held? | Also let me know who is chairman of program committee and the people who will speak. That will help me in building my speech, in a — sin; ¢ in lek lin ee it Gel ee I have tn susie ne Melee GO liane seen Gee a ee ee be forced to miss one of my classes if I caught the 11:05 train leav- ire Lewrence. Therefore, if I get the gasoline I think I will drive. And if I do come on the train I would get out of Salina about 3:40 tim the morning to get here about 6:55, because I eannot spend that guch time away from the office due to the fact that I have | away so muche ee ee Thanks just — the same. : Be Salk sak Waele Sees ys 08 pre eee eaves Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Bducation, POA: Ali re ee ee