a I ane I a TT Tae aT eA (COPY FOR DR. ALLEN) \ February 19, 1944 \ Mr. Fred Ellsworth, Secretary University of Kansas Alumni Ass'n. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fred: I have secured Dr. Allen to be the principal speaker at the Cedar Rapids YMCA all-sports banquet on April 6th, iad wall commdiatin 4% weer uanh 2f ou could send me some publicity material on Dr. Allen and the University which would be ee to be used in our local paper, “The Cedar Gazette", during the two or three weeks pre- — s affair. The sports editor, Tate Cummins, isa personal ae —_ mine, and he has promised us all the publicity we want. | \ If you have a newspaper mat of Dr. Allen's picture, yw. or perhaps two or three different pictures, we would appre- Z Ciate receiving them, along with any copy you can sare us. We would like to vite our advance publicity on this banquet about March ist, and I will appreciate it if you can forward — material by ‘that time. | Sincerely yours, D.G.Isett HG January 12, 1944. Mr. Je He Highfill, Principal, Dwight Rural High School, : Dwicht, Kengas. Dear Principal Highfill: I am sorry that I have failed to answer your good letter SOONnCrs ibd ville, seme te tie damien Giten:. Hereto- fore I have coached the baseball team, but I have made no decision this year. I think, however, they are expecting me to handle it. I am rather dubious about accepting your invitation. With transportation what it is, it is very difficult to make a one-day trip out of such a project. If I would be fortunate enough te get another commencement date either preceding or er ee much easier. Therefore, I aa at a loss to givo you any definite information at the present time. In these days of gasoline rationing, I am wondering what honorarium you would feal like paying. Thanking you for your compliment in asking me to address your school, and with kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AB Varsity Basketball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION EVERETT CLEMENS, CLERK W. L. OLSON, DIRECTOR E.°T. BECK, TREASURER FACULTY MRS. MARION ELLIS HOME EG. - SOCIAL STUDIES LEE M. HAUN COACH - INDUSTRIAL ARTS Dwight Rural High School wees eee ENGLISH - MUSIC J. M. HIGHFILL, PRINCIPAL _ Dwight. Kansas MS * » * December 28, 1945 / fw. MAAA a oe Dr. Forrest C. Allen ae ' : Basket Ball Coach fh tn University of Kansas } eee il Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Please advise whether or not you would be in- terested in delivering our high school commencement address on Thursday, May 18, 1945. If you would be interested please advise the compensation you would expect. Ve 120.9 F - Mz EMPORIA KANSAS heov-. 27- 4¥3 ~ = fer ne AF eR L = es a ett k Sle JL ma ‘j : f= 7 eed BSS Cerra ee ee Os ROR AER ee ety BS Fie eR SE oe eA OS aera aay, Pee Stay ees. Fons poss A me Pe Ae Shee eae ee se ee = Bee TN eg ee i. Site: Ser oy ey ess si eine EMPORIA KANSAS PRINCIPAL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL amas Pe 4S Geach ace (pL pram Sar checteL UY thers 1) QA dante eed ot the timmy ep Pah ae (Dil Bre Bool. Catck Pach, GK Sebock. PHONE 1600 THE EMPORIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. —Vot for self---but for Emporia EMPORIA, KANSAS December 5, 19435 Dre Forrest C. Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog; Attached is a check for $12.00 which we hope will cover your expenses for the trip you so kindly made to Emporia to talk to our annual football dinner. We certainly want to thank you in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, the High School and the comnunity for the inspiring address you delivered. Your appearance at the banquet was very gratifying to me for the reason, I am trying very hard to build up a series of Chamber of Commerce meetings here and the prestige of a few men of your caliber was very much worth while. If we can ever be of any service to you or Kansas University please call. We received two mats from your publicity department and are returning one of them, leaving the other with the Gazette. With best person regards for a Merry Christmas for you and yours, I am, Yours very truly, EMPORIA CHAMBER OF C CE a—& pw H. W. Bouck, Man&iger BROADVIEW HOTEL ~ changed » since his bald head sin has re- while the and cheeks ive Continue #)—Sir Os- xr leader of released from They asserted. that it ‘would |“threaten the liquidation of the middle class in America, discour- age maximum production for the war effort, and undermine the abil- ity of private enterprise to provide jobs in the post-war period for the tens of millions of persons now temporarily engaged in war activi- ties, both on the battlefronts and the home fronts.” INVITED TO HEAR ALLEN Tuesday Evening Meeting Here Is Open to Public When K. U. Coach Speaks. The public is invited to hear Dr. Forrest (Phog) Allen, well known Kansas university basketball coach and director of physical education, | when he speaks in Pratt Tuesday evening at 8 0 clock in the Liberty high school auditorium. Dr. Allen is being sponsored by the North, Central and Liberty high school Parent-Teacher associations and the local chapter of the American Association of University Women. There is no admission charge. Dr. Allen, besides being an authority on athletics, is also well qualified to speak on his subject for Tuesday evening, “Recreation and its Effect on Juvenile Delin- quency”. He is state chairman’ of recreation for Kansas P.-T. A., and is interested in youth aun bies. Among his contributions to the university, is the. annual Kansas relays, which were started under Dr. Allen’s promotion. He has been associated in various capacities at the university for 27 years. _ The high school a capella choir, directed by Julius Hultquist, will assist on the evening program. ek OR OR RO OR ok ok ok BILL VERNON TO * SPEAK TUESDAY-:* Bill Vernon, president of * * the Kansas state Chamber of * * Commerce, will address the * * Pratt ‘Chamber of Commerce Tuesday noon. Mr. Vernon, ok % * * * * * * * * Larned attorney, has _ been * a * * * * * Bo k ‘e * speaking the past two weeks * at various places in the state on the state chamber’s plans: and projects for the future. His talk will be timely and of interest to every Prattan. Res- ervations for the luncheon. should be telephoned to 350 at once. kk OK OK Ti Ae ites Ie eS Ee o eh ea wok eK OK KR * He *: November 22, 1945. Dr. James F. Price, President, Kansas State Teachers College, Buporia, Kanses. Dear Dr. Price: I have been on the move so much of late that I have not had an opportamity to reply to your kind letter of Noverber 10th. I am just now leaving for Salina end Pratt for speaking engagements, and upon my return on Wednesday I will write you. Due to my heavy schedule I will doubtless drive to Emporia. Sincerely yours, Direstér of Physical Education, PCA:AR Varsity Basketball Coach. slaw Crllese EMPORI November 10, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: This will confirm our telephone conversation of this morning in which you so kindly agreed to come to Emporia November 30 and address our Chamber of Commerce Forum which is honoring our high school football team on that occasion. Harry Bouck is secretary of our Chamber of Commerce. He was for- merly in Manhattan, and upon coming to Emporia this summer, he in- stigated the idea of having all the service clubs combine one meet- ing a month and hold a Chamber of Commerce forum dinner. At the first forum dinner, I was asked to talk on town and gown coopera- tion. At the October meeting, Mr. V. P. Conroy, vice president of Transcontinental Western Airlines discussed the future of air transportation, the occasion being the dedication of our new muni- cipal airport. The November 30 meeting will be the third meeting and the objective will be to honor the high school football team. We have not had any football banquets here for some years. Of course we have no college team this year, and our high school team has been only moderately successful, having won their games with El Dorado and Winfield, and having lost to Newton ., Wichita, Topeka, Haskell and Salina. Their last game will be with Ottawa on the llth. I really think that they have been playing a number of schools out of their class. The coach of the high school team is Alfred D. Smith. Following is the train schedule which indicates when you can leave Lawrence and arrive in Emporia; Leave 8:45 a. m., arrive 10:40 ; leave 9:47 a. m., arrive 11;55 a. m.; leave 11:41 a. m., arrive 2p.m.e The three trains you can get out of Emporia are at 8:05 p. m. (if this train is late), 4:30 a. m., and 9:20 a. m. Please let me know when you will arrive. We want you to make your headquarters at our home. Again, many thanks. Cordially yours Fs JAMES F, PRICE, President JFP;jrt November 22, 1943 Dear Mr. Bouck: I am just leaving for Salina and Pratt where I speak before the Parent-Teachers Associations in both cities, end will be back at my desk on Wednes- day. At that time I will personally ledge your istter. I have been on the move so much late that 7 have not had’ an sppertuntty > dietaty a_reply- X have asked our publicity director, Mr. K. W. Davidson, to send you a mat. I perhaps will drive to . merine due to my crowded schedule. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. PHONE 1600 THE EMPORIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. Not fox self---but for Emporia EMPORIA, KANSAS November 12, 1943 Mre Forrest C. Allen, Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I knew you when I was secretary of Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, I came here April 1, from Manhattan. We are trying to rebuild a Chamber of Commerce here. One of the things we are doing is to organize monthly Chamber of Commerce meetings similar to those of Manhattan, with the four service clubs meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. The November 30, meeting is the Football Dinner for the members of the Emporia High School squad. You know we have no college teams this year. In looking around for a speaker, our committee unanimously selected your name and requested President Jim Price to contact you. " Jim just called me with the good news that you had agreed to comes The dinner starts at 6:15 at the Broadview Hotel. We will have around 500 or more people, both men and women. We can broad- cast at least a part of your remarks, if you so désire over KT sw, Mutual affiliate. I cannot tell you how much that I personally appreciate the fact that you have consented to come and to do this job for us and I hope that you will get as big a bang out of doing it as we will have doing it. I wish you wuld send us a little advanced publicity and single column mat, if you have one available in order that we can give proper publicity to the event as this is the first community recognition of our football team to be held here ina good many years and we want to make it good. With best personal regards, I am, Yours very truly, EMPORTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ww fhe A Hire... He We Bouck, Manager BROADVIEW HOTEL November 20, 1943. Mrs. Paul Hoolwine, Pratt, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Woolwine: Immediately after talking with you yesterday I got in touch with Mr. Pred Ellaworth, our alumi — - asked him to send a list of the K. U. alammi in Pratt Mrs. Je Re Campbell. I am sure thet she has received iH; of I will drive from Salina to Pratt, and will call at your number, S111, but I will drive down town and 4m touch with some one at the Chanber of Commerce about noone +33 I will be glad to meet with your alumi after the . P.T.A. meeting, although I will perhaps drive part of the way back to Lawrence that nicht. I am looking forward with pleasure to greeting you and the EK. U. alwmi in Pratt on Tuesda;. Direstor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Vaysity Basketball Coach. October 16, 19435. Mrs. Helen M. Kerich, 710 S. Pine St., Pratt, Kansas. Dear Mra. Kerich: Ee en 13th. I plan to arrive Pratt by bus from Wichita at 2:57 p.m. Anticipating the pleasure of meeting you on November 25rd, I am Very sincerely yours, 7 Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH _ Vareity Basketball Coach. Vibe Vin VOR Ue ITINERARY TO SALINA AND PRATT ' (NOV. 22 and 23) ‘ Lawrence 11:05 aem.e Union Pacific Salina 8:00 aems by bus Wichita 11:15 Wichita 12:30 noon by bus Pratt 2:57 PeMe Pratt 12:01 midnight - Rock Island Lawrence 6:54 aeme Mrs. Helen M. Kerich, 710 &. Pine, Pratt, Kaneas. Dear Mre. Kerich: I am writing you that I can come to Pratt on November 23. According to your letter of Sept- ember 28 this will be satisfactory. Tt charge no fee for the address, but the trip of course will entail transportation, hotel and incidental expenses. It will be necessary for me to come by train. Will you please give me the hour of the meeting so that I may arrive in plenty of time? Sincerely y ours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. coe een Dealing ia ee = : err, na) BURA WS Sets - ‘\is OD. Qawe Qnrokt Wawro ; September 24, 1943. Mrs. Helen M. Kerich, 710 S. Pine Street, Pratt, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Kerich: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 23. As coach of varsity basketball, i#-is aimost imperative that I not make any dates during the month of December. I have a date at Salina, which was set for the 15th of November, but I have a conflict there. I am asking if they can take the 22nd. } Would it be possible that I could come to your place following that meeting: Or it may be possible they will take the 29th. If they should take that cold you take the 30th? or would an early date in November suit you? I much prefer the earlier date to the later one on accoumt of interference with basketball. Very cordially yours, : 3 Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Sasa doug Spe. 23,1943 | Rk Wee "Vio S Qe November 20, 1943. Mr. Eugene H. Linville, Permers National Bank Bldg, Salina, Kansas. — Dear Gene: It now appears that I will drive to Salina on Monday, and I will get in touch with you as soon as I arrive. As T said before, I will go to the Lamer Hotel, and will oall you from there. I am sure that I will arrive in time for the alumi dimmer at 6:50. I appreciate your kind offer to mect.me at the train, but since I plan to . drive thie will not be necessary. 3 I look forward with pleasure to greeting you and the other K. U. alwwmi Monday eveninc. Sincerely yours, | Direotar of Physical Bducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Hovember 10, 1943. Mr. Eugene H. Linville, Parmers National Bank Bldg., Salina, Kansas. Thank you for your good letter. I will be very happy to be present at your K. U. alimni dinner at 6:50 p.m. on November 22nd at the Casa Bonita Cafe. My plans for transportation are slightly unsettled at the present time. My daughter-in-law, Mrs. Milton Allen, desires to go to Salina to visit her parents and it is barely possible that she may accompany my if I drive. Otherwise Z will come on the train. Sn ee ee touch with you when I arrive in the afternoon. I imagine I will ah novice sae willare & 67 dk Seeandn ¥ bees & lake @ Sead here in the morning of the 22nd, and will leave after that. You certainly may count on my being present at the 6:50 dimer meeting, ae Shes: ie THES ee A AS ek ee Se ee ee get in Salina. Thanking you for your graciousness in offering to meet me, I am Very sincerely yours, j Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coash. LAW OFFICES Wankex ond Kcintille FARMERS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SALINA, KANSAS SANFORD M. MANKER November 4, 1943 TELEPHONE 428 EUGENE H. LINVILLE -Dr. F. C.. Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: © We are having a K. U. Alumni Dinner at 6:30 P.M. on the night of November 22nd in one of the special dining rooms in the Casa Bonita Cafe in this City, which is just across the street from the Lamer Hotel in which one of the ladies on the P.T.A. Committee obtained a reservation of room for you on that date. We arranged our Alumni Dinner on that date, changing it from today, for the reason that the Alumni wished to have you with them at their annual dinner and indirectly I had asked Fred Ellsworth to contact you to see whether or not you would be available to us, mowing full well that you would accept our invitation providing someone else had not spoken in advance. Fred tells me that your train is due in Salina at 4:00 otclock on the afternoon of November 22nd. I will meet you at the train and take you to your hotel room. This room was reserved by one of the ladies of the P.T.A. before we made arrangements for this dinner. If for any reason this room should not be available we have a guestroom at our house and at tis time will extend an invitation to you to come to our home. Let me hear from you concerning this dinner engagement because I know that all the old K. U. grads will turn out in full force to greet you and to enjoy hearing you on whatever message you have to bring to them at this time. Sincerely yours, Lawrence to Salina - 151 Miles Railroad fare, round trip, $6.38 Lawrence to Pratt = 302 Miles Railroad fare, round trip, $9.63 Address of Isabel's parents: 254 North 10th Ste, Colonial Apartments