Meeting the Curricular Needs of Kansas Schools WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2:00 P.M. FRASER THEATRE Chairman <.. = _ _. C. 0. Wricer Executive Secretary Kansas State Teachers Association 1, P.E.A. Points A Way to the Secondary School, J. E. SronEcIPHER Director of Senior High Schools Des Moines, Iowa 2. The Significance of the P.E.A. Study to (a) Research (Bb) College Cunicula 2 Ss Pror. E. E. BAYLEs University of Kansas 3. Discussion: C. O. Wricut, J. E. SronecipHer, E. E. BAYLEs. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 8:00 P.M. FRASER THEATRE Chairman Pror. F. O. RussELL “Protecting Democratic Values In A Nation At War” .....22552. oe Pror. NEwTron EpwaArps _ University of Chicago Financing the Program of Kansas Schools ‘THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 9:30 A.M. FRASER ‘THEATRE Chairman Supt. CLIFFORD DEAN Lawrence, Kansas 1. School Support, A State and National Responsibility ....--..-..3/...c00-0: Pror. NEwTon Epwarps University of Chicago Questions by the audience