VICTORY KEY IN HEALTH NUTRITION WiLL DETERMINE WAR PRODUGTION, DR, HEISER SAYS. Success on Assembly Line as Im- portant as Winning on Battle Fields, Manufacturer's Consultant Asserts. Fuel up for the job, Dr. Victor Heiser urges the 30 to 40 million actual and potential industriai workers of the next year. For nutrition is the greatest single factor in the all-important health program in plants where this war will be waged in equal measure with battles on thé field, the consultant on healthful working conditions for the National Association of Manu- facturers insisted today. THIS WAR DIFFERENT, “Wars of the past have been won largely on the battle fields,” Dr. Heiser pointed out, “but this con- flict will depend as much on the industrial workers as the soldiers.’ The assembly line must hold up, he asserted, thus the enormous job of keeping the workers healthy, With the army and navy having “first pick,”. and industry getting what’s left, the resultant handicap indicates the medical war contri-, bution will be’ more than that of either army or navy, he said, Then add the further problem that | 'the average age in the armed forces ‘is less than 26 years old and the av-. jerage age in industry is 45 years old. And that the percentage of women industrial workers is rising rapidly, jwith. their average of sick leave itwelve days a year compared to the jmen’s ten days. TO SOLVE PROBLEM. But such statistics fail to curb the slow and easy grin of Dr. Heiser, {who just points out the tough points jas a matter of stating a problem he lis confident. can be figured out. - “American industry always makes a,'success of what it undertakes, and this will be another triumph,” he declared. “Look at the safety cain- paign. Since 1929 the industrial accident .rate has declined steadily, while the motor car injuries and fatalities and thoge in other walks of life have increased.” *