UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL, 1943-1944 Facilities for Supervised Teaching ~ offered by the School of Education in the following departments: Commercial subjects, Drawing and Design, English, Home Economics, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physical Science, Spanish, Speech and Dramatic Arts, Betial Studies. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES FOR SUPERVISED TEACHING BY DEPARTMENTS Commercial Subjects: M96a. Supervised Teaching in Commercial i aaa 1 UHS.* Newcomb. Typewritiig 6.5 eo a MTWTF 8:3 BHOrERANOS 65s eo oy MTWTF 2 30 Drawing and Design: M55a and M56a. Supervised i in 2s, 402 Fraser. Eberhardt. Drawing and Design....... English: M86a. Supervised Teaching in English. ee * Lorimer, Farrell. PORGHSDY OM ieccioe ois OSs alee ae MTWTF 8:3 Pngshs ke coi. os sow ak MTWTF 10:30 MOMGUSH PUN oe ices a elk gee MTWTF 9: a0 English IV incl. Journalism..MTWTF 11:30 Home Economics: M83a. Supervised Teaching in Home Economics. 8 Fraser. McCormack. Home Economics (Girls)....MTWTF 10:30 Home Economics (Boys)....MTWTF 10:30 Latin: aia No tease ccs aan ae MTWTF 8:30 Date Ts od aye se pee bs MTWTF 11:30 atin Ts oo ees Se oc MEWTE > 10:80 Mathematics: oe a ebiahi si Teaching in Mathematics. —— * Ulmer, Johnson. Gooey see lees MTWTF 8:3 Alvebre 16s ok yest es ae MTWTF 10:30 Aaa WY Ciel). sete oss MTWTF 9: 30 Algepra Fo aco cae ies ek MTWTF 2:80 Solid Geometry (spring)....MTWTF 9:30 Music: M68a and M64a. Supervised Teaching in Music. UHS.* Gaston. Orchestra 2 occu. sc sas Mon. 8:30 Glee Club’ (Boys)) oo 2.205 Thurs. 3:30 Glee Club (Girls). 3 0603. 5 Tues. 3:30 Mixed «Choris 6.5458 8200555 Fri. 3 :30' Natural Science: M99a. Supervised Teaching in Physical eae 21 UHS.* Gaston. Johnson. MTWTF 9:30 General Science........... Cihemistty 22 eee ook MIWTE. - 11230 Physical Education: M94a. Supervised Teaching in Physical Education. 107-108 Robinson. Stapleton, Strait. Physical Education......... MTWTF 1:30 Social Studies: M91a. Supervised Teaching in Social ~~. 20 UHS.* Litchen. Problems of Democracy..... MTWTF 8:30 American History.......... MTWTF 10:30 World Iastoty ocean Peels MTWTF 9:30 CASIZONSHID 205. sie ee MTWTF 2:30 Spanish: M938a. Supervised Teaching in Spanish. 2 and 11 UHS.* Elliott. PSIVATIRSED Poo eg Inia sae tei Laie cei MTWTF 11:30 MPAMISN EE, ois Ge eae eee MTWTF 11:30 Speech and Dramatic Arts: M84a. Supervised Teaching in Speech oe a Arts. 10 UHS.* Farrell. POLOIOR LICH 0s ecocn cca wk oR bs MW * Room numbers for classes will be placed on University High School bulletin board. PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT W. C. AUSTIN, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA, 1944 20-1925