ROANOKE V DRG RA A August 2h, 1945 Mr Forrest C Allen . % lewrence Country Club Lewrence, Kansase Dear Mr Allen: I want you to know how very much I appreciate your kindness in taking your time to bother about mee I was under the impression that I had a rheumatic condition, and when I was in Lawrence and had the pleasure of meeting you, I had just spent several weeks at Hot Springs but finally was advised that my trouble was weak archiese Meany thanks again, and with best wishes. Pow RR RY ERS C 0:8 T2U: MES t Jol edewtta ~FIP/ 225-9 cs e 0 Saris & oe Ensign H. W. Stowits, U.5.N. i. : U. S. S. DONALDSON (DE - 44) C/O FLEET POST OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. p : | : — ee 5 Ensign H. W. Stowits, U.S.N.B. U. S. S. DONALDSON (DE - 44) © PLEET POST OFFICE Cc SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Ho Hes 1G 1945 Vaan Deodiar QNQ ‘ Sotust Yk od SS win the “Us your hous Sek ee. ye ee sg SS Oem naod he newsd We GN. peey IGHS, a four tniay Ge aclinoulidge rvcesoh of pry Maa .. SY deconth aeon. , 1 bias te number 8 a Lb Ao his J caw sinagine the work, curstued, Gn the | dotrifachi MUtae Leo. J , Moow Ade conlinine Moun, Le. aay eG if tom oot. teen The 6. one L mite Abit eee pe See 42 a a3 a7" be Seas cliftora a. Shenk, USNR armed Guard fr 3. S. Sam Jackson™ _ & Fleet Post Office San Erenetepe:s Calif. Fee Been + ‘ARMED GUARD UNIT S$. S. SAM JACKSON Armed Guard center (Pacific) Traesure Island San Francisco, Calif. 25 June, 1945 Dear "Phog", I have just finished reading another one of your Jayhawk Rebounds. I cant express how much enjoyment I receive from them. I look forward to receiving each new issue. I wish to express my grayitude and appreciation to you for placing my name on the mailing list. i It has been better than fifteen years since I graduated from / good old Lawrence High and enrolled "on the Hill! However, it seems only | a few years since I was playing football on that school's teams, first | wnder Severt Higgins and then under Melvin Griffin, Two of the finest | men and coaches I ever knew. I was indeed fortunate to have had them for coaches. They stood as powerful examples of the success of the athletic \. department of Kansas University. As you know, due to some unfortunate circumstances, I did not finish my athletic career at the University, but completed it at Pittsburg Teachers. Yet Lawrence has allways seemed my home town and K.U. my Alma Mater. By that I mean no disloyalty to Pitt. es she is my second love, so to speak. I was interested to hear about my former coach, Mel Griffin. I had talked to Mrs. Griffin over the phone last Fall while in Long Beach so knew he was an officer in the Marine Corps. There is no question but that he is doing a lot to make that the splendid fighting outfit that it is. I am well pleased with my billet in the Navy. It is very ' similar to a coaching job. I have a crew of 27 enlisted men which I must train, inspire, and weld into a machine-like fighting team for the defense of this vessel in order to keep the supplies moving up. I find that the psychology and the fundamental principles are very much the game as coaching, with a few reservations. | I am getting to see a great deal of the Pacific. Have visited a great ports both in New Guinea and the Philippines. As a commanding officer I have the good fortune to be allowed ashore in many places where it would be impossible otherwise. I have not run across many of the fellows I knew at K.U. but hope to do so. I went through Indoctrination at the Universtgy of Arizona with Carney Smith and Bus Burchamn. Relpk Graham of K. State was one of my buddies there also. I was surprised and pleased the other day to bump into him on the street in a port in the Philippines. _ Ralph is doing an All American job as recreational officer at the Navy Base there. I need not tell you, I guess, that he is a splendid athlete, a fine sportsman, and an allround swell guy. We had a good visit and I hope to se him again while out this way. ee ae ae a Sa Se a ae aM i a From all reports I believe that the Fighting Jayhawks were definitely of championship caliber again last basketball season. And I have a goog idea you had something to do with it. Hat The Skipper of my ship is from Indiana and we have quite a time boasting about the respec- tive merits of our home states as to basketball prowess. To those who listen to our bull sessions it probably appears that we think that Kansas \ and Indiana have a monopoly on all the good basketball that is played. Well? Apparently you think that the prospects for football for this fall are pretty good. Naturally I am vitally interested in the success of Henry's teams. I know that with a.fairly even break his teams will come out on top. (Maybe I'm prejudiced ) By the way, you might do me a favor and cast a hint to him that his kid brother in the Pacific would like to hear from him a little more often. fell all who may be interested that I say "Hello". I'11 be out here pulling for the old Fighting Jayhawk in all its athletic endeavors and good luck to all. Sincerely AU Abode “go pias ey ie: oF, ioe — UNITED STATES ARMY nye ho fencem | oy [Fee bur bbb : Chan Bu? jill page pet eb A tho 2 nt he fon ' qugnst 20, 1045 Mr. Lang, the who was formerly a patent attorney from iash~ ington, D. Ce I was somewhat at first, but after using the machine only a few times, I beceme a very entimsiastic devotee. lly arches are ten years than the were ten yours ago. I am very happy gine The mohine sella for $17.00 or $27.50, I don’t mew which. Tf would not teke $60.00 for nie Af 3 emia not get another com Ags reteare the war tere Tatty anus ide Nemuniigar euk on S0-tnyn fvew trial, but I do not know whether or not regulations prohibit that now. I assure you {t is a pleasure to Inve met you when you were in ee ee I em Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Allen ¢ FCAsef President oo: Pred Bulbdn — S August 21, 1945 To Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to testify as to the personality, efficiency, and dependability of Elmer i. Schaake, who has been employed as one of our Physical Directors for the Army Specialized Training Program here at the University of Kansas. Mr. Schaake has also directed classes in Physical Education for civilians, and for the past year, he has handled classes in the V-12 Naval Program. In addition to the physical education work, Mr. Schaake has been Assistant ‘Football Coach to our Head Coach, Mr. Henry Shenk. He has also been my First Assistant in Varsity Basket- ball. Mr. Schaake first began his work with us on August 1, 1943, and terminated, August 1, 1945, to accept a position at Dinuba, Calif- ornia. This move was necessitated on accoiint of health conditions of his family. I have known Mr. Blmer Schaake since his high school days, and he is a sterling athelete, a splendid competitor, and a fine gentleman. He has also conducted himself, both on and off the atheletic field, in a most pleasing and satisfactory manner. lie has been « fine example to young manhood. He is clean, capable, and leads his men by the power of a Mr. Schaake is married and has two. chi . I am very happy to recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Varsity Basketball Loach PCA :med August 22, 1945 Mr. Stanley Schwahn Manager, Commonwealth Theaters Lawrence, Kansas Dear Stan: Thank you for the dividend check for $315.00. -I assure you that we were very happy to receive the same. It may be a cooler day when we get the next one, but as I stated to you I still believe that : people will take the picture shows as part of their weekly menu. I was glad to get Donnie Currant's and Johnnie Larned's names so that I could put through a voucher for their fine work. We are paying them $4.00 apiece and I assure you I think they are worth it. We were glad to get fifty pounds of pop corn instead of forty so that you would have a little extra on hand and we were happy to get the extra seasoning on account of your kindly cooperation. We are en- deavoring, at the present time, to get another batch of seasoning for you and hope to have it in a short while. Z, too, would be delighted Ae 1% were possible to work the theaters into our entertainment progfam. I think it would be a grand thing. I want to thank you for your kindly cooperation regarding the very fine gift to the Lawrence Country Club. In the next day or so I am preparing a letter which will take care of that situation, I hope, so far as your boss is concerned. I am very sure that a gift of this sort will have its justifiable returns. The roster of the Cowmtry Club is unique in that it contains most of the names of key men in the con= munity. It is swell of you to do this and I assure you that I person- ally appreciate it. : With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, } \ Forrest C. Allen - Director, Physical Education FCA:ef | Varsity Basketball Coach Commonwealth Lawrence * Guts Conmasats JAYHAWKER - GRANADA : VARSITY ° PATEE LAWRENCE, KANSAS August 18, 1945 Forrest C. Allen K. U. Athletic Dept. University of Kansas Dear Doc: Since I had failed to hear from you regarding payment to the boys for their work in popping am sacking of the 1,000 bags of corn, I thought I would drop you a line, since it was so hard to reach you by phone. The two boys put in three hours each — Wednesday; they took turns in popping and sacking. Each boy should receive not less than $2 for this work each Wednesday; a totel of $4 to each boy. As near as I can recall you had a fund for this purpose, and you offered to pay the boys. If I am wrong, please advise me, and I will figure out some way to put this through the theatre. I appreciate the extra seasoning, since we are short on points and every little bit helps. You know, Doc, I am always willing and glad to work with you at all times, and I hope that I will live so long as to be able to work the theatres into your entertainment program. . Kindest personal regards, 8S. E. Schwahn SES/om MANAGED BY LAWRENCE CITIZENS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE CITIZENS OF LAWRENCE | JAYHAWKER + GRANADA : VARSITY + PATEE Dear Stockholder: The Board of Directors of ¢ eelth Lawrence Theatre Corporation declared a of $17.50 per | | share on the issued and outstanding common stock of ae the corporation at a apeesas waOtENG on the oth day of Angast s 1945, eae We are pleased to enclose herewith pone to your order in the amount of § 315.00 __, representing your share of the divide ie 3 : Yours very truly, bx Pie Gee RIT tea BE MA Sep ae, ¥ hice aie ent eek i ‘aamaaO eRe eraser aS tg SC ‘ ss —— Ee , 7 Sees? a. ee | MANAGED BY LAWRENCE CITIZENS FOR THE E 1 eae oe : ae Prac eon e August 28, 1945 Mr. Charles 3B. Shaeffer Manager of the liar ‘roduction Board — : 413 Interstate Building Kansas City, net ee | : r Sane’ Charlie: I have just checked up with Mr. Harl Palkenstein, Secretary of the Athletic Association, and find that Mr. Quigley had not planned on any reserved seats for the home games this year. This was the same pl=n that they followed lest year. He had not anticipated the war's end so soon. Thers may be a possi- bility of reserved seats for the Kensas State game on Nov. 17, but - this is still uncertain. I am sending you several copies of the University of Kansas football schedule with the location and the prices on the back. Won't you write me and let me know if there is anything fixrther which I can do to serve you in any way. It is always a pleasure I assure yous ; | ‘Alberta Cornwell came in to my office yesterday to talk about the convocation. I showed her your letter. She is coming | in for another conference and will write you shortly. She is : working in the Dean of the College's Office, and I have been tied up for the last few days. We decided to get together at an early date, at which time you will hear from her. With all good wishes, — T an, | Sianiieais yours, Forrest ©.Allen, Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: med _Inclosures hy ” BUY UNITED Ma STATES SAVINGS WAR PRODUCTION BOARD 413 Interstate Building Kansas City, Missouri IN REPLY REFER TO: August 27,1945 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs A very close friend of mine would like to have two tickets for the football game on October 6. He would like these tickets on the 50 yard line in the first ten rows, if possible. Will you please take care of this? I appreciate very much your letter of July 30. I have not received word from Alberta Cromwell regarding the convocation that you referred do. I would appreciate more details on this. Thanks a lot, and with kindest personal re- gards, I remain Yours very sincerely, eo rm pp. — Charles B. Shaeffer August 31, 1945 Wn. V. “oden, UR.O.T.C. If University of Minnesota, Not. S. oe Minneapolis, 14, Minnesota : . : B ah; Dear Mr. Soden: | ry a4 : 5 scl Sali Suigay 4a easly ek ld aloe and I am mailing you a brochure giving the description eof our courses in Physical Education. I am also inclosing ‘several football schedules which you may distribute to the boys. ath deat yen een 0 ately ss hk reason I shall send you a ee ae | that I have been sending each month or so to the Bone acing the service. There is quite a lengthy treatise ball in the Rebound, and as soon as it is off the graph machine we shall mail it to you. Some of th ila es provide some interesting reading to you. iif If there is any other information that you desire, please inform us and we shall be happy to comply with your request. Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach SE a a ee ee em eee ‘ The National Shawmut Bank | ‘ | 3 of Boston — CAPITAL $10.000.000 SURPLUS $20.000.000 guly 24, 1945 ie “IN REPLY PLEASE REFER see GWA: PB Dear Doctor Allen: Mr. Sidney S. Salt has oe to as for 2 position and has given your name as a reference. : a We shall appreciate it af you wilt give us a brief record of hig employment with you. . Information regarding.the applicant's character, honesty, ability and punctuality in.attendance will © be most helpful to us. Will you please also ment tae. the dates of employment with you, the seneral 1 of duties performed, and the reason for leaving. © Please be assured that this information will be treated confidentially. We shall be glad to be of similar assistance if the occasion arise Very truly yours, Oe Lictesen, . W. Anderson Chief Clerk July 28, 1945 The National Shawmut Bank of Boston 40 Water Street Boston, Massachusetts ATTENTION: G. W. Anderson, Chief Clerk Dear Mr. Anderson; Mr. Sidney &. Salt was a student here at the Univer- sity of Kansas in the School of Education and graduated in 1942, with a B.S. degree.’ I had Mr. Salt in my classes and found him to be a highly intelligent, alert, dependable and resourceful young man. So proficient was he that we engaged him as an assist- ant in physical education. In all of my contacts with him I found him to be of exemplary character and highly honest. He was courteous, had, in my opinion, exceptional ability, and was always punctual in all of his appointments for work. Mr. Salt was an expert gymast and a fine teacher. I am happy to recommend him without reservation. Mr. Salt came from the Bast. so I do not know his high school affil- jation. If there are other questions you would like to ask I would be happy to answer them. : | Sincerely, Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:ef BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1902 SUBDIVISIONS Victor 3850 MAPLE PARK ADDITION eo 116 E. 9th St. BROADWAY GARDENS, GARY, IND. | rritt Buildin MILTONWOOD DIRECTORS S & MAPLE PARK EXTENSION CHAS. B. SHAEFFER, PRESIDENT Kansas City, Missouri ~ MILTON ACRES - CLAYCOMO ACRES WILLIS M. SHAEFFER, VICE-PRES. ibis ink axnoces RICHARD J. MUNGER, SEc'yY. & TREAS. NORTHWOOD ACRES July 6, 1945 CROWTHER PLACE, ST. JOSEPH MO. PETALUMA HEIGHTS WINNWOOD GARDENS SWOPEWOOD Mr. Forrest C. Allen 5 Director of Physical Education | Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I certainly appreciated your letter of June 29, extending congratulations on my being elected president of the K. U. Alumni Association. I wish that you would feel free in advising me personally on any suggestions that you feel the Alumi Associ- ation should consider. If you wish, your personal suggestions will be kept confidential. There is one thought and that is that we should have “something for the student body to tie to which would be an annual celebration, starting with the end of the war with Japen. In other words, if we could start some tradition of some special event, I feel that this would be a great thing for the student body. If you have any suggestions on this subject, I would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks a lot and with kindest personal regards, I remain Cordially yours, a bar 4a p— Charles B. Shaeffdr Address: % War Production Board 413 Interstate Bldg. Kansas City 6, Missouri mark Personal