October 21, 1945. Mr. Charles Silliman, -$15 Lawrence /ve., Elgin, Tllinoig. Dear Charles: ‘I am very happy to have your good letter of the 16th and -pheased that you like basketball. Dr. James Naismith, the originator of the game, said, “Basketball is a game easy to play but difficult to master." The fact that you have written me convinces he that you are endeavoring to improve your game. Goal-!li was originated to help the youngsters keep the ball - in bounds. The basket is the center of activity, and one goal - with the circular playing field permits all the fimdamentals of pivoting, passing, goal shooting and guarding in a small area. And too, the goal is adjusted to the proper height so that the younger boys can use a smaller ball and a lower basket until they adapt themselves to the higher goal. | The navy and the Army are using Goal-Hi extensively and it ig a fine game where you can play in a small area. I trust that you are quite successful in your desire to be a fine basketball player and a successful coach. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.