Philippines 4 January 1944 Dear Mr. Allen, I doubt if you remember me but I was in your early- morning phys. cond. class in '43-44. I hate to bother you with such a trivial matter but I could think of no one better qualified than you to settle an argument about basketball. There are quite a few men on both sides of this argument about the size of an official collegiate basketball, in fact quite a lot of money was bet. On the ship we have a Wilson Official college grade basketball (measuring about 27.5 inches in circumference with the present air pressure) which is said by some to be too small to be official. The ball cost $6.46 and it seems illogical that Wilson would produce such a ball that would not meet "official" qualifications. Coulda you please straighten us out with a little information? : After the war I plan to return to the hill to com- plete credits for my degree, and I look forward to the time when I can sit down and watch some Kansas grade basketball. Respectfully yours, Yiand R. Schultheis Ensign, USNR