April 3, 1946. Vre FW. Suith, AcCeleScs Clerk te the Managers, Long Eaten Schools, Education Office, Market Place, Long Eaton, ENGLAND. Dear Rotarian Smith: I am rather late in answering your kind commmication of March 16th, I have been away from the University much of late, which accounts for my failure to respend more promptly. We have a new president of our Rotary Club, Mr. Gerald Hesse, to whom I am turning over your very kind letter. | ! | ' I% was good to hear and know the history of your olub. Nothing would give me more pleasure than for Mra. Allen and m te visit your fine city after the war is conoluded. Mrs. Allen has often said that her , chief desire is to visit England, and I am very sure that with the mode of travel wo will have after the war, this thing will come to pass for both of us. Yes, indeed, we have heard of the very famous Nottingham lace, , and we are glad to know that it is made in Long Zaton. These friendly contacts betwoen Rotarians of different coumtries will help in a very definite way to bring about even a better understand~- ing between our two great countries. If we can eenent a friendship that in the futw’e will estop the war criminals, certainly catastrophies, if they could be averted, will be the thing that all man should strive for. We have in our Rotary Club the Chancellor (President) of our University of Kansas, Mr. Deane W. Malott. Since your category is ~ Education and Administration, I thought you might want the names of our University people in Lewrense Rotary Club. They are as follows: Davis, Robert MoNair - Edueation, Law Sehool Davis, W. We - Education - College | Blisworth, Fred - Assocs. - Aliwwmi Association Hungerford, H. 5, = Edusation, Arts & Sciences Jones, Ogden S. = Geologist Kloos, Karl - Education, Administration ‘Nesmith, Dean D. ~- Physical Education Stephenson, Eugene ~ Mineral 011 Industry