April 11, 1946 Russell Stover Candies of Kansas City 1206 Main Street Personnel Department Kansas City 6, Missouri : Gentlemen: I have your letter of April 10, I remember Lawrence Stream very well. It seems to me that he came from Rosedale High School in Kansas City, Kansas, He was a grand boy, fine, clean and purposeful, He was a boy of high intelligence and extreme horestye I do not remember all of the talents and qualifications that he possessed because it ‘seems to me that he left the university after his freshman yeare He worked for our Department of Physical Bducation at. 50 cents an hour. He was in the check room and did a fine jobe . , T am glad to recommend him to you as a young man capable and with fine integrity. ve | Sincerely, yours, | - , Director of Physical Education, *PCAsMP Varsity Basketball Coach, ee ie te Ence