“M94a. Supervisep TrAcHING IN PuysicaL Epucation. Two or four hours credit. Supervised practice of teaching courses according to methods presented in course M94 (Education). DeGroot, Stapleton. PrincipLes oF Community Recreation. Three hours credit. Second semester. This course is planned for students interested in recreational lead- ership, in playgrounds, community and recreational organizations and activi- ties of clubs, such as Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and in the organization, management. and equipment of conducting social activities, games, play, etc., with adult groups in community recreation centers. Re- quired of all men majors, elective for women. Elbel. 176. Tests AND MrasurEMENTS IN PuysicaL Epucation. Three hours credit. Actual practice with tests and their administration is provided. The aim of the course is to give a practical approach to testing and to provide an adequate testing and grading program in the public schools. The following types of tests will be studied: Strength tests, cardiac tests, posture rating scales, means of classification, sport tests,.motor ability tests, knowledge tests, etc. Anthropometric measurements, test construction and scoring methods will also be studied. The material will be presented through outside readings, lectures and laboratory work. Elbel, Raport. M194. Content anp Mernops or Puysican Epucation. First semester. Three hours credit. Required of all students majoring in physical education. A study of the content and methods of elementary and secondary school physi- cal education, with specific methods regarding games, rhythmic exercises, stunts and self-testing activities. This course also includes study in characteristics, tendencies, and needs of children of various ages in relation to physical activi- ties. Prerequisite, course 36 and the Fundamentals Group. Stapleton. et (is 200. THrory AND Practice or ATHLETIC TRAINING. Three hours credit. -Falk semester. Principles underlying the conditioning, nutrition, care and emer- gency treatment employed in the training of athletes. Prerequisites, 10 hours of physical education, and one five-hour course in anatomy or eee ce en. 201. ApvANcep BasKetTBAaLL. Three hours credit. First semester and sum- mer session. An intensive course presenting the psychological and physio- logical principles of conditioning, strategy and tactics that are effective in basketball. Lectures, readings, problems, and demonstrations. Prerequisite, 15 hours of physical education. Allen. (; ~ 902. ADMINISTRATION OF PHysicaL Epucation. Three hours. credit. Second semester. Embodies a study in the administration of the school and college physical education; the principles and administration of intramural athletics; the administration of health examinations and the care and value of health examination records; the purchase and care of physical education and athletic equipment; common methods of financing the athletic program; the con- struction of the gymnasium, swimming pool and the athletic field. Required of all majors. Prerequisite, 10 hours of physical education. Elbel. A254. Scoot Hycirenr. Two. hours credit. First semester and summer session. Required of physical education majors. A critical study of three major aspects of child health and care: (a) The physical health and develop- ment of the child; children’s diseases and defects, their incidence, care and treatment; (b) the hygiene of buildings, equipment, the surroundings; (c) health education, stressing health knowledge and health habits. Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Group. Turney. 00. SpectAL ProstemMs IN PuysicaL Epucation. Two to four hours credit. Spring semester. This course provides for graduate students opportunity for individual or group study of special fields in physical education. Each student will present the results of his work in the form of class reports and term papers. Prerequisite, 15 hours of physical education. Elbel. <9