Ze Each local alumni group having the privilege of nominating an Alumni Scholar will be required to match the $50.00 advanced from the fund in the Endowment Association with at least a similar amount. The matching money put up by locel alumni must be contributed by one or more of the alumni, not taken from a local loan fund already in existence. The money given by the local group of alumni may be awarded cither to the same student getting the assistance from the general fund as additional aid or mey go to another student, or students. The moncy contributed by local groups willbe sont in to the K.U. Endowment Association to be administered there under the same regulations as that now in the fund. In future years when it is repaid by students who have used it, such repayments will be added to the general Alumi Loan Scholarship Fund for Freshmene If a student is given an additional $50.00 award by the local alumni, the second $50.00 will be advanced to him at the beginning of the second semester, after enrollment. The first $50.00 award will be advanced after enrollment but in time to pay fees for the first semestore Each local alumni group will have the privilege of granting only one Alumni Loan Scholarship for Freshmen from the general fund. As many can be provided locally as desired. The University Committee on Aids and Awards will make further regulations if any sre needed under which prospoctive students nominated by alumni groups shell be approved for Alumni Loan Scholerships for Freshmen. It is known thet the committee will likely require that cach recipient rank in the upper 20% of his graduating class and will favor those who need finencial help in getting on educatione